オショー – キリストに従うことは、イエスに従うことを意味しない. イエスが消えたとき、キリストは彼の中で生まれました. ゴータマ・シッダールタが消えたとき、ブッダが彼の中に生まれる. それらは全く異なる現象です, しかし、人々はそれらを混同しています.
They think that to follow Christ means to follow Jesus. Nobody can follow Jesus because nobody can be like Jesus; God never creates the same person again. But Christ can be followed because Christ is a state of consciousness. It has nothing to do with the person, イエス. He is one of the Christs, that is true, but there have been many other Christs and there will be many more.
Anyone who attains to the ultimate flowering is a Christ. To be enlightened is to be a Christ. To know who you are is to be a Christ. But Christianity has taken a very wrong route. It became too focussed on Jesus, the person, they completely forgot about the flowering, the fragrance which really makes him valuable. Without that fragrance he is nobody, just an ordinary carpenter.
Christhood means that meditation has come to its peak. One has gone beyond misery, beyond ego, 心を超えて, 時を超えて. One has become one with the whole. Blissfully follow the subtle path of being a Christ. Never be a Christian, be a Christ. 人がキリストになることができるとき、なぜクリスチャンになることを決心するのか? When one can be a Buddha why be a Buddhist? That’s my basic message here, that you are carrying within you the ultimate. There is no need to settle for less than that.
ソース – Osho Book “If You Choose To Be With Me, You Must Risk Finding Yourself”