Osho on Totality – あなたが完全にそれをするなら, 瞑想になります

オショー – あなたがしているすべてのことを合計してください. あなたがしていることは重要ではありません. 床の掃除, 食べ物を調理する, ある日突然彼らも不可能に出くわしました — 何をしていても構いません. My emphasis is not on what you have to do, my emphasis is on how you do it. あなたが完全にそれをするなら, 瞑想になります. Even if you do meditation half-heartedly it is not meditation.

Chopping wood can be meditation if done totally, carrying water from the well can be meditation if done totally. Otherwise one can go on sitting in a Buddha posture for yearsif it is not total it is useless; one is simply wasting time. Spring will come but the grass will not grow. The grass does not grow because of spring, it grows because of your totality. What can the poor spring do to it?

Sitting silently doing nothing spring comes and the grass grows by itself. Spring simply means totality. If you are sitting totally, 何もしない, just sitting totally, in that very totality spring has come. And then everything starts growing in you.

Totality is the climate in which one reaches to one’s optimum. And at the optimum is the experience of God.

ソース – Osho Book “Going All The Way