Oshoインサイト – あなたがリラックスした瞬間、あなたは現在にいます

オショー – 瞑想は完全なリラクゼーションの状態です; 集中していない, 熟考ではない, でもリラクゼーション. 絶対にリラックスしていて、体にも心にも緊張がないとき, then suddenly there is an opening of the heart. Only in total relaxation does the heart open, it becomes a flower. Without its opening one remains unfulfilled, discontented.

The opening of the heart as a flower is the ultimate ecstasy; there is nothing more than that. One has come to the highest peak, one’s life has blossomed. And that is the meaning of Teresa. Teresa means a reaper, a harvester. When one has come to the blossoming, the flowering, the ripening, then one can reap the crop. Then life is tremendously significant, a gift of god. Otherwise it is just a possibility, and nobody can be blissful with only a possibility. It has to become actual, it has to become a realisation.

Being with me means only one thing: learning how to relax. あなたがリラックスした瞬間、あなたは現在にいます. The past is a tension. Relaxation is going beyond time — 過去はありません, 未来がない. One simply disappears into the infinity of the now and the here. And that is springtime as far as the inner ripening, 開花, is concerned.

ソース – Osho Book “Just The Tip