- Nature is a spendthrift. Where one flower is needed it produces millions. One tree will produce…. Look at the Gulmohr — millions of seeds are ready. They will all fall down and a few, 1, two, four, five, ten, twenty, a hundred, may become trees. Why so many seeds? God is not a miser. If you ask for one he gives millions. Just ask! Jesus has said, ‘Knock and the doors shall be opened unto you, ask and it shall be given.’ 覚えて, if you ask for one, millions will be given.
- It is said that a man is known by his company. 私はあなたに言います: a man is MADE by his company. If you live surrounded by mechanical gadgets, as modern man is living, by and by you become unreal. If you live with nature — with trees and rocks and the sea and the stars and the clouds and the sun — you cannot be unreal, you cannot be phoney. You HAVE to be real because when you are encountering nature, nature creates something in you which is natural. Responding to nature continuously, you become natural.
- Just look at existence and its abundance. What is the need of so many flowers in the world? Just roses would have been enough, but existence is abundant: millions and millions of flowers, millions of birds, millions of animals — everything in abundance. Nature is not ascetic; it is everywhere dancing — in the ocean, in the trees. It is everywhere singing — in the wind passing through the pine trees, in the birds…
- Except man … no trees have any habits, nor birds, nor fish. The whole nature is spontaneous. It simply functions when it is needed, it stops functioning and remains simply silent when it is not needed. 実際には, according to me this is sanity: to do only that much as is needed. Even to go a single inch further and you have moved beyond sanity, you have become insane. And there is no end to insanity.
- The moment you are in samadhi, you will see trees are also in samadhi. The mountains are in samadhi. The stars are in samadhi. The whole existence is in samadhi. Only you had gone astray.
- You will be surprised: the pagans are far closer to existence than anybody else. The pagans are the people who worship nature, trees, 山, oceans, rivers, stars. The pagans are those who accept this whole that surrounds you as divine. They are far closer to me than these so-called religious people.
- Pagans were nature-worshippers. They loved the trees, they loved the rivers, they loved the mountains, they loved the stars, the sun, the moon … that was their world. There was no God, there was no hell, there was no heaven. This very life was paradise. What Buddha said, pagans would have said. But Christianity has killed them or converted them. Now there are no more pagans. They were the most joyous people, who loved, who lived abundantly, without any fear and greed.
- Trees, animals, 鳥, all have deep roots in nature. Only man is without roots. Birds don’t need families, they can survive without families — nature itself protects. The trees are not in need of anybody: if nobody was there, then too trees would be there, and flowering. Nature itself protects; they have a home.
- My idea of life in the commune is thousands of peacocks dancing, deer running, people loving, enjoying — that seems to be human. And the peacocks and the deer, all have understood that there is nobody here who is going to harm them. They move freely without any fear. It gives me great joy that these innocent people — peacocks, deer…. We have swans; I want to have more swans also. A place which has swans, thousands in the lake…. You can play with them and swim with them. We have to be in tune with nature. We can make this place full of flowers, full of trees, full of animals, full of beautiful, unconditioned people. And this should be the model for the whole humanity.
- Look at the trees, look at the birds, look at the clouds, 星を見てください…and if you have eyes you will be able to see that the whole existence is joyful. Everything is simply happy. Trees are happy for no reason; they are not going to become prime ministers or presidents and they are not going to become rich and they will never have any bank balance. Look at the flowers — for no reason. It is simply unbelievable how happy flowers are.
- Animals are not bored, trees are not bored, and what novelty is there in the life of animals and trees? The rosebush goes on producing the same roses year in, 一年中, and the bird goes on singing the same song every morning and every evening. The cuckoo knows not many notes, just a single note. It goes on repeating it; it is monotonous. But not a single animal is bored, not a single tree is bored. Nature knows nothing of boredom. なぜ? — because nature has no ego yet.
- Why is the rose beautiful? Now it has become a problem; it has to be solved — why? Some answer has to be found. The beauty of the rose is a mystery — there is no answer. それはただそこにあるだけだ. There is no why to it. So is love. So are people. So is music. So is silence. So are the stars and the seas and the mountains… so is this whole.
- People who work with nature — farmers, gardeners, woodcutters, carpenters, painters — they are far more alert than the people that function in the universities as deans and vice-chancellors and chancellors. Because when you work with nature, nature is alert, trees are alert; their form of alertness is certainly different, but they are very alert.
- Death should be a celebration! Death should be in nature, under the trees and the stars and the sun and the moon.
- Primitive man was very sensitive because he lived with trees, he lived with animals, he lived with rivers, he lived with oceans, he lived with mountains. He was part of nature. The primitive man had no religion, no organized church, no priesthood. 明らかに, the primitive man was aware of a surging life all around. He lived amidst an ocean of life. And obviously, his love for trees, his love for rivers, his love for the ocean, his love for the high mountains, the stars, the sun and moon, was immense. He lived in a totally different world — very related. He was one of the members of the cosmos, just as every living thing is.
- Man had always lived with nature. To live with nature is to live with God in an indirect way, because nature reflects God in a thousand and one ways. The growing trees and the faraway call of the cuckoo and the winds in the pine trees and the rivers moving towards the ocean and the proud mountains standing in the sun and the starry night, and it is impossible not to be reminded of some invisible hands. It is impossible not to see that existence is not dead but alive. The ocean heaves, breathes; the whole existence is a growing phenomenon. 死んでいない, it cannot be dead. Everything is growing.
- You will have to bring the heart back. You will have to be aware again of nature. You will have to learn to watch roses, lotuses again. You will have to make a few contacts with the trees and the rocks and the rivers. You will have to start a dialogue with the stars again. Otherwise God cannot be brought back to humanity, and without God humanity is doomed, is lost.
- The whole of existence is dancing, except man. The whole of existence is in a very relaxed movement; movement there is, 彼は単にあなたにあなた自身の存在を与えます, but it is utterly relaxed. Trees are growing and birds are chirping and rivers are flowing, stars are moving: everything is going in a very relaxed way. No hurry, no haste, no worry, and no waste. Except man. Man has fallen a victim of his mind. Man can rise above gods and fall below animals. Man has a great spectrum. From the lowest to the highest, man is a ladder.
i admair him am from Ethiopia…………………………………..
Its agreat collection. Must read words. Each letter depicts eternal truths. Thanks for sharing such an awsome collection 🙂