- My meditation is not something separate from life, it is something that has to be spread all over 生活.
- マスターに出会い、マスターを逃すことは最大の事故です, 非常に残念, that can happen to a man.
- 私の瞑想は気づきの方法です — あなたがしていることの, 考え, フィーリング.
- 聖人 is only a declaration. 仕事は瞑想です. 一言で, 私の宗教は完全です, それが瞑想です.
- Anybody who says that love is a hindrance on the path of self-realization is not a sage.
- Mind is something unnatural; it never becomes your natural state. But meditation is a natural state — which we have lost.
- 嫉妬はまるで愛の影のようだ. 愛を育むことができたら, それは嫉妬のエネルギー全体を引き継ぎ、それを愛に変える. それは錬金術的な変化です.
- Find godliness and good will come on its own accord. And when good comes on its own accord, it has a beauty, 恵み, a simplicity, a humbleness.
- Either you are drowned in the past or you are drowned in the future. That’s why you are not. That’s why you yourself have become a falsehood. You are too concerned with the false, and that concern makes you pseudo. Withdraw yourself from the past and the future.
- Always choose the new, the less travelled by. Always choose the unknown, the less travelled by.
- 子供たちはまだ甘やかされていないので、瞑想をより簡単に教えることができます. あなたが甘やかされてしまったとき、大変な努力はあなたが学ばないようにするのを助けることです..
- When one is total, 生活 flowers — and that flowering is spirituality. Spirituality is not an attitude, it is not a discipline. It is an outcome of a life lived totally, joyfully, delightfully; of a life of no complaint; of a life lived courageously, 激しく. Then this flowering happens.
- To be choiceless is to be in meditation. To be choiceless is to enter the eternal.
- To be a sannyasin means you will be allowing freedom to the children, you will not impose anything on them, you will not impose your ideas; you will NOT like them to become imitators. Sannyas is just symbolic of a great freedom!
- Let sannyas be the turning point. それがサニヤスのすべてです: a return journey. One starts moving inwards rather than moving outwards.
I am very thankful to find you. 今, finally I feel reborn of my new self.
with I find to understand the real substance of life.
Osho RuLes!!
the shore of the life sagar has been uniquely shown in the saying.
the tidings that happening in the world is almost nearer to the sayings..
this will continue.. to be continued..
guru g still alive…