Oshoの名言 – 至福への悲惨

Oshoの名言 – 至福への悲惨

  1. Buddha is reported to have said, “死をなくしたいなら, 出生を取り除く。” ある形式から別の形式へ. 不幸をなくしたいなら, get rid of the lust for happiness. And when there is no misery, there is happiness. But it is not because you desire it; it is because you don’t have any desire. In a deep desireless state, you are full of bliss.
  2. Desiring is a wall, no-desiring is a bridge. これがブッダの教えの本質です. This is his basic message to the world. Bliss is a state of no-desire, misery is a state of desire.
  3. When you are blissful, really blissed out, エゴが消える. あなたは, but there is no ego, no idea of I, no idea of separation. In bliss there is a merger with the whole; in misery you are alone and separate. Misery makes you an island and bliss takes all your boundaries away from you. In bliss, the river disappears in the ocean. And we are very afraid to disappear as an ego. We want to keep our identity intact.
  4. Misery is a by-product, so is bliss. Misery is a by-product of being asleep, bliss is a by-product of being awake. Hence you cannot seek and search for bliss directly, and those who seek and search for bliss directly are bound to fail, doomed to fail. Bliss can be attained only by those who don’t seek bliss directly; on the contrary, they seek awareness. And when awareness comes, bliss comes of its own accord, just like your shadow, unshakable.
  5. Bliss is true happiness. What you call happiness is just misery in disguise. What you call happiness is nothing but entertainment, 喜び. It is momentaryit cannot be true. Truth has to have one quality, and the quality is of eternity. If something is true it is eternal; if it is untrue it is momentary. True happiness is found only when the mind completely ceases functioning. It does not come from the outside. It wells up within your own being, it starts overflowing you. You become luminous. You become a fountain of bliss.
  6. Do whatsoever you want to do, but you will end in the same way. Everything ends in misery, everything ends in death. People make tremendous effort, but what can you do? — all your efforts are doomed, because you don’t do the fundamental thing that can bring a radical change. You don’t create consciousness. That is the only radical transformation of life: from misery to bliss. You do everything else except meditate. You will earn money and you will become more and more powerful and you will have all that the world can provide.
  7. Man lives in miserynot because he is destined to live in misery but because he does not understand his own nature, potential, possibilities of growth. This nonunderstanding of oneself creates hell. To understand oneself is to be naturally blissful, because bliss is not something that comes from the outside, it is your consciousness resting in its own nature. Remember this statement: your consciousness resting in itself is what bliss is all about. And to be relaxed in one’s own being is to be wise.
  8. 真実はとてもシンプルです, それは非常に単純なので、あなたはそれを見ません. You will have to learn, あなたは気づく必要があります, 真実の単純さと明白さの. それ以上のものはありません. 単純にこれです: 意識は至福です, 無意識は悲惨です.
  9. Put it aside. Dismantle the whole ego! In destroying the ego, you will discover your being. And that discovery is the greatest discovery possible, because it starts a totally new pilgrimage towards ultimate bliss, towards eternal life. 選んでいいですよ: 欲求不満のどちらか, 苦しむ, 悲惨 — そして自我を持ち続ける, それを養う. または平和, 沈黙, 至福 — でもその時は自分の潔白を取り戻さなければならない.
  10. The law is that bliss or misery both arise in the innermost core of your being. Nobody can give you bliss or misery. You need not go to anybody; you are enough unto yourself. Just go in. Dive deep in your consciousness. And the more conscious you become, the more full of light your life is, the more and more benediction goes on showering on you. The more dark you are, the more unconscious, the more misery is bound to happen.
  11. The very idea that ‘I am separate from the worldis hell. Separation is hell. Drop the ego and see suddenlyall misery disappears, all conflict disappears.
  12. All that is needed is a deep insight into your own inwardness. Look into your interioritythat’s what meditation is all aboutlook in, and you will not find any self there. And when you don’t find any selfit disappears like a shadow in the lightall selfishness disappears on its own accord. Then a totally new quality comes to your existence. You are no longer concerned with creating misery for others; hence you can come out of YOUR misery. And the moment you see inwards, great intelligence is released, great creativity is released. That intelligence brings bliss and, ultimately, even takes you beyond blissbeyond mind and beyond meditation. It brings you to the ultimate core of existence; 平和, tranquility, 沈黙, stillness.
  13. Misery gives you a sense of the ego. Misery separates you from existence, defines you. Bliss is a merger, a melting. Your definitions disappear, your ego is found no more. So those who want to feel “わたし,” they have to choose misery, there is no other way. The ‘Ifeeds on misery; you may not like misery but you like the ego, and that is the subtle motive for choosing misery. You like bliss, but you don’t want to melt.
  14. If I am responsible for my misery, that also means, automatically, that I am responsible for my bliss. If I am responsible for my misery, I can stop it immediately. Let me repeat the word ‘immediately’ — not even for a single moment does one have to wait. It is not a question of changing your past lives, it is not a question of changing the whole society, it is not a question of bringing the dictatorship of the proletariat, and it is not a question of going into years and years of psychoanalysis. It is a simple question of accepting the responsibility thatWhosoever I am, I have created my climate, my being.
  15. The really religious person is one who stops finding excuses for his misery. It needs guts to accept that “私が担当者です,” thatThis is my choice, I have chosen my life this way,” thatMy freedom is there, has always been there, to choose whatsoever I want. I can choose misery, I can choose bliss.Man’s soul consists of freedom. I teach you freedom. But freedom means taking the responsibility, total responsibility for your life, on your own shoulders, not throwing it onto somebody else.
  16. Ego needs continuous fight, because it feeds on fight. 戦えば戦うほど, the stronger your ego becomes. It is a fighter. That’s why surrender is so difficult. But unless you surrender you will remain in misery. Surrender is the door to bliss, 美しさへ, to truth, 愛する, to life, to God. Surrender is the door. And when I say ‘surrender’, I don’t mean that surrender has to be towards someone. それはただの言い訳です; because you cannot surrender unless you have someone to surrender tothat’s why someone is needed. Otherwise there is no need; you can simply surrender, and the door is open.
  17. Whenever you are total the ego disappears. The ego exists only when you are partial. If you have experienced it in some way, sometimeand I see that everybody has experienced it sometime, どこか. Because it doesn’t fit with your style of life you have forgotten; because it does not fit with your own pattern you do not pay much attention to it; because it doesn’t fit, you by and by forget it, throw it into the unconscious, into the basement of the mind. さもないと, it has happened to everybody, 無意識のうちに, unawares. 時々, just swimming, and suddenly you are filled with an unknown bliss. It happens only if the swimming becomes total. When the swimmer disappears, then the cause of all misery disappears, and then suddenly, 神はそこにいます.
  18. When you feel blissful you are right, moving in exactly the way you should move. Because bliss increases only when you are approaching closer to God, and in no other way. If you are going away from God, 苦悩が生じる. You feel more and more frustrated, more and more bored, more and more miserable. Misery is an indication that you are going astray, a natural indication that you have lost track of truth. Bliss simply says that you are falling in line with the whole. Things are becoming harmonious, the garden of the Beloved is coming closer: the air feels cooler, winds bring the fragrance of the flowers, freshness, a new thrill, a new enthusiasm. Then you are moving towards the garden of the Beloved. Maybe you cannot see yet, but the direction is right.
  19. You die in misery. Only a few people die blissfully. And when death becomes a bliss, it is a samadhi. When death is a relaxationreal relaxation. Deep inside you surrender, you welcome. あなたは人生を知っている, now you want to know death also. You have lived life, you have enjoyed it. A great trust has arisen in you about lifeand you know death is the culmination of life, the crescendo. It must be beautiful! When the whole journey has been beautiful, why not the goal? There is no reason to be afraid. When the whole journey has been such a tremendous joy, why not the end? It is the culmination. You have come home. You welcome, you are ready to embrace death. リラックスして, you simply slip into death. And that’s the moment! If you can die without any fight, you don’t dieand you are never born again. You have simply slipped out of the body confinementsof the world. You live! — you live eternally. But then you live as an unembodied existence, with no limitations, with no boundaries.
  20. you cannot let go of things that are causing you misery because you have not yet seen the investments, you have not yet looked deeply into them. You have not seen that there is some pleasure you are deriving out of your misery. You will have to drop bothand then there is no problem. 実際には, misery and pleasure can only be dropped together. And then arises bliss. Bliss is not pleasure, bliss is not even happiness. Happiness is always bound together with unhappiness and pleasure is always bound together with pain. Dropping both…. You want to drop misery so that you can be happythat is an absolutely wrong approach. You will have to drop both. Seeing that they are together, one drops them; you cannot choose one part. In life, everything has an organic unity. Pain and pleasure are not two things. 本当に, if we make a more scientific language, we will drop these words: 痛みと喜び. We will make one word: painpleasure, happinessunhappiness, daynight, lifedeath. These are one word because they are NEVER separable. And you want to choose one part: you want to have only the roses and not the thorns, you want only the day and not the night, you want only love and not hate. This is not going to happenthis is not the way things are. You will have to drop both, and then arises a totally different world: the world of bliss. Bliss is absolute peace, undisturbedness, neither disturbed by pain nor disturbed by pleasure.
  21. People go on saying that they want to become happy, but I rarely come across a person who really wants to be happy. People cling to their misery. Again the same game. With the misery you have something to do. With the misery, some occupation. With the misery you can avoid yourself, you are engaged. With joy there is nothing with which to be engaged, 行き場がない. In joy you again disperse and disappear. In misery you are thereyou are very much there. Misery gives you a very solid experience that you are. When you are happy, you start disappearing. 本当に幸せなとき, あなたは違う, again you are not. In a state of bliss, again you disappear.
  22. Intoxicants will disappear from the world only when meditation has become a world-wide phenomenon, when each single individual has created some meditativeness in his being; when each single individual has become aware, “There is no need to be miserable. Misery is created by me. Life is not misery: life’s nature is bliss. It is my stupidity that I am creating misery out of it.Misery needs great efforts, bliss is naturalyou cannot create bliss, you can only create misery. And if you don’t create misery, bliss comes of its own accord. Bliss comes effortlesslyyou cannot practise it. But for misery you have to make great effortsand you ARE making great efforts to remain miserable. You have invested much in your misery.