- To be aflame with 沈黙, with joy, 知恵です. それは理屈ではなく愛です. それは言葉を通してではなく、瞑想と呼ばれる言葉のない状態、または心のない状態を通してです, satori, サマーディ.
- Love has to become not a relationship, not a narrowing, but a broadening. Love has to become your very quality, your very character, your very being, your radiance. Just as the sun radiates light not for anyone in particular, unaddressed, meditation radiates love unaddressed.
- God is hiding within you, but you cannot see God there directly because you don’t know how to go there. One method, one way, is of meditation: start dropping your thoughts. One day when there is no thinking, no ripple, and you are a no-mind, you will reach there; the conversion will happen. Another way is of prayer.
- Don’t give energy to your thoughts. Become a witness — 無関心, よそよそしい, distant. Just see the thoughts, and don’t be in any way involved in them. Note the fact: the thoughts are there; but don’t choose this way or that, don’t be for or against, don’t be pro or con. ウォッチャーになるだけ. Let the mind-traffic move, just stand by the side and look at it, unaffected by it, as if it has nothing to do with you.
- Once a person has experienced himself — that he is not the body, 心ではない, not the heart, but pure awareness — he knows there is no death for him, because he does not depend on the body.
- 瞑想は至福の究極の体験です. 薬では作れない, 機械では生産できない, 外からは作れない.
- Beliefs are to distract people from discovering the beauty, the grandeur, the splendor, the divinity of existence. And this is what all the priests of all the religions are doing all over the world: programming people into believing certain things — God, heaven, hell, right, あなたが愛を知っているならそれは強くなるでしょう, what is virtue, what is sin.
- Truth can never be a missionary, but only a heart-to-heart message — not to convert the other, but just to share your abundance of love, 思いやり, blissfulness.
- All great values of life — 愛, 沈黙, blissfulness, エクスタシー, 信心深さ — make you aware of an immense oneness. There is nobody else other than you; we are all different expressions of one reality, different songs of one singer, different dances of one dancer, different paintings — but the painter is one.
- Oshoの沈黙のことわざ. Oshoの沈黙のことわざ, Oshoの沈黙のことわざ. Oshoの沈黙のことわざ, Oshoの沈黙のことわざ! Oshoの沈黙のことわざ, Oshoの沈黙のことわざ; Oshoの沈黙のことわざ. Oshoの沈黙のことわざ, Oshoの沈黙のことわざ. Oshoの沈黙のことわざ. Oshoの沈黙のことわざ.
- それが真実が常に伝えられてきた唯一の方法です, それが真実が常に伝えられてきた唯一の方法です, 途方もない沈黙, 途方もない沈黙. 途方もない沈黙: 沈黙, 平和, 愛, 思いやり, blissfulness, エクスタシー. 途方もない沈黙, 途方もない沈黙, 途方もない沈黙. 途方もない沈黙. 途方もない沈黙.
Happiness attracts happiness.Lovingness attracts more love.Blissfulness attracts more bliss.