- すべての瞬間が美しい, あなただけが受容的で降伏する必要があります. すべての瞬間は祝福です, あなただけが見ることができなければなりません. すべての瞬間は祝祷です. 感謝の気持ちを込めて受け入れるなら, 何も問題が起こらない.
- Philosophy tries to explain things — never succeeds. せいぜい, it can succeed only in explaining away things, but it never succeeds in explaining them. Religion makes no effort to explain life. It tries to live it. Religion does not take 生活 as a problem to be solved — it takes life as a mystery to be lived. Religion is not curious about life. Religion is in awe, in tremendous wonder about life.
- Let me repeat it: You possess only that which you have given; you never possess that which you have hoarded — you become a master of something which you share. 共有! 無条件に — because everything is going to be taken from you anyway; death is going to take everything from you.
- あなたが注意深くなり、人生に気づかない限り, あなたがあなたの生活の質を変えない限り, あなたは意識的に死ぬことはありません. そして、意識的な死だけがあなたを意識的な誕生に導くことができます; そして、はるかに意識的な生活がその扉を開きます.
- 世俗的な欲望を別世界的な欲望に変えることは、あなたを捕らえておくための心の最後の戦略です, あなたを囚人にするために, あなたを束縛し続けるために.
- Mother means compassion, mother means feeling for the other as one feels for oneself. When a person moves deeply in meditation and attains to samadhi, he becomes a mother. Buddha is more like a mother than like a father
- Whatsoever you do consciously is lived through and is no longer a hangover. Whatever you live unconsciously becomes a hangover, because you never live it totally — something remains incomplete. When something is incomplete it has to be carried — it waits to be completed.
- Be blissful, so blissful that your bliss starts overflowing and becomes love for the whole existence. Less than that cannot fulfil one, less than that and the journey is not yet complete.
- The more you are moving towards your life’s fulfillment, the more your life becomes a rejoicing, a deep joy for no reason at all, a blissfulness so deep and so abundant that you can start sharing it with others. 実際には, you have to share it with others because it is overflowing, you cannot contain it.
- Don’t ask anybody how you should live your life. 人生はとても貴重です. 地獄や天国への欲望を恐れずに生きる. I am not saying that you will not make mistakes, you will. 一つだけ覚えておいてください — don’t make the same mistake again and again. That’s enough. If you can find a new mistake every day, make it. But don’t repeat mistakes, that is foolish. A man who can find new mistakes to make will be growing continuously — that is the only way to learn, that is the only way to come to your own inner light.
- Pain is part of growth. そして覚える, whenever something hurts, something inside vou is repressed. So rather than trying to avoid the pain, move into it. Let it hurt like hell. Let it hurt totally so the wound is opened completely. Once it is opened completely, the wound starts healing. If you avoid these spaces when you feel pain, they will remain inside, and you will come across them again and again, because they are part of you.
- 私に, 宗教は恋愛です. それは知性とは何の関係もありません, それは理由とは何の関係もありません. 恋に落ちている. あなたが恋に落ちた人と, that is your way. Go through it — that is your door. Love is the door, it is irrelevant with whom you have fallen in love. Love redeems, neither Jesus, nor Krishna. Love redeems. Fall in love. Love is the only redeeming force. Love is the savior.
- It is very difficult to resist the temptation when you can do something so special that nobody else can do. If you can materialize things, or if you can fly, or if you can read others’ 考え, or if you can heal people just by touching them, it will be impossible for you to resist.
- Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras makes all the yogis aware of it: beware of all kinds of siddhis, powers, because each power is tempting. And the higher it is, the more tempting it is. And the higher it is, the more ego-satisfying it is. And once the ego starts being satisfied with something, you will never attain the ultimate, you will never become a God.
- To be blissful is the only true prayer. there is no need to ask anything from god, he already knows. all that is needed on our part is a blissful surrender. Joyously we should surrender ourselves to god. and that is enough, then god starts taking care. He is very caring but we don’t allow him to take care of us. 聖人 means leaving everything to God, and whatsoever happens — 良いか悪いか, pain or pleasure — always feeling grateful for it.
- Look, watch for the unconscious motivation. The mind goes on bullying you and bossing you because you are not capable of seeing its real motivations. Once a person becomes capable of seeing real motivations, meditation is very close… because then the mind no longer has a grip on you.
- The real becomes available only when you work for it with your totality. でも覚えておいて, I am not saying that the real becomes available by your work…there is a paradox i n it. You have to work hard, you have to work in a total, passionate way and yet you have to remember that it does not happen by your work alone. It happens by grace. That is the message of Hasidism.