

  1. 愛は人生です, 愛は神なり, 愛はサニヤス!
  2. 愛は、知性では知ることのできない何かに気づかせてくれる; それはあなたを神の存在に利用できるようにします.
  3. Learn to become more of a witness, create more watchfulness. Let each act, each thought, be seen.
  4. To remain absolutely free is what a true and authentic life is. So never gather any characterremain characterless.
  5. Concentration is not the approach towards God. Concentration is a mind approach. God is everywhere, so you have to relax, you have to be meditative.
  6. Love is the fire in which everything is reduced to ashes. Only God will be saved. Only God cannot burn.
  7. 食べる, 食べ物を味わう, それでもあなたがウォッチャーであることを忘れないでください.
  8. Be yourself, 自分の中を見る, そしてまさにその見ることにおいて, the ego disappears.
  9. Truth brings bliss, truth brings celebration.
  10. A sannyasin has to relax to that total state of let-go when everything happens and nothing is done.
  11. The mind is continuously running around. It never sits, it can’t sit. Sitting seems to be death to it, and in a way it is.
  12. Wisdom is a very relaxed state of being. Wisdom is not knowledge, not information; wisdom is your inner being awake, アラート, 注意深い, 目撃, 心ではない.
  13. Die! エゴに死ぬ, あなたの過去に死ぬ, そしてあなたは復活する. その復活はあなたを死を超えさせます, 時を超えて, 惨めさを超えて.
  14. Religion is consciousness-raising. It raises you higher than the problem, it gives you a bird’s-eye view.
  15. Only a fulfilled heart can pray, because only a fulfilled heart can be grateful and can feel the grace descending.
  16. We have to change this whole earth into a tremendous festival, and it is possible because man brings all that is needed to transform this earth into a paradise.