Oshoの真実の引用, 真実についてのOshoのことわざ


  1. When you drop the ego, あなたはそれの周りにあなたが作成した全世界を落とします. 初めて物事をそのまま見ることができる — not as you would like them to be. And when you are capable of knowing the facts of life, you become capable of knowing the truth. The facility of life is the first step towards truth. And ego is the most falsifying agent.
  2. The ego functions as a blindfold on your eyes. The ego keeps you blind; it does not allow you to see the truth. It creates too much smoke and the flame tends to be lost in it. The ego is like too many dark clouds around the sunthe sun gets lost. Not that those clouds can destroy the sun, but they can hide it.
  3. Seeking, you go astray; seeking, you go in dreams; seeking, you go somewhere else; and truth is here. Seeking, you go then; and truth is NOW. Seeking, あなたは, and seeking, you are too much. The more you seek, the more you feel you are. The harder and more arduous the seeking becomes, the stronger the ego becomes. Seeking, あなたは, and seeking, you are too much; and there is no space for the truth to be. You fill the whole space of your being. Seeking, you are closed.
  4. A man of truth simply says the truth; whether it hits you, makes you an enemy, 誰も気にしない? The man of truth only cares about truth.
  5. You cannot make an opinion about the truth. You can experience it, you can taste it, you can be it, but you cannot have an opinion about it, because the moment truth faces you, you are no more. The ego that used to make opinions simply disappears, just as when you bring light into a dark room the darkness disappears. In fact it was never there it was only the absence of light. The moment the light is present, how can the light and the darkness exist together?
  6. Ego is the greatest liewhich you have accepted as a truth. But all vested interests are very much in favor of it, because if everybody becomes aware of egolessness, this whole Olympics going on around the world will simply come to a standstill. Nobody will want to climb Everest, they will enjoy wherever they are. They will be rejoicing.
  7. It would have been so easy if there were a truth somewhere. Howsoever difficult the way, people would have reached. The more difficult, the more far away the truth was, the more challenging to the ego. If man’s ego challenges him to reach the highest peak in the Himalayas, Everest, where nothing is to be found; if man’s ego gives him incentive to waste billions of dollars to reach the moon, risking lives…. But man has reached the moon. And the first man who walked on the moon must have looked silly to himselfthere was nothing for which so much endeavor, technology, preparation was needed. 覚えて, the ego wants challenges. It lives through challenge.
  8. すべてが利用可能です, 常に利用可能でした; あなたはそれを見逃したことがありません. しかし、あなたが未来を求めているという理由だけで, ゴールの, あなたは見ることができません. 真実はあなたを取り囲んでいます, あなたはその中に存在します. 魚が海にいるように, あなたは真実に存在します. 神は目標ではありません, 神は今ここにあるものです. これらの木, これらの風が吹く, これらの雲が動いている, 空, あなた, 私 — これが神です. それは目標ではありません.
  9. A man of real truth has no need to be humble. He is neither egoist nor humble, because those are the same things in different quantities. Only the egoist can become humble. I cannot say I am a humble man. I cannot say that I am a simple man, because simplicity is only a lesser form of complexity, and humbleness is on a lower strata, the same as ego. They are not different; the degrees are different. I am neither humble nor egoist. I am simply just the way I am.
  10. It is exactly the same thing: when enlightenment comes, the ego has already gone out. When enlightenment comes, just as a shadow to it compassion comes in, truth comes in, beauty comes in, grace comes in, blissfulness comes in. All that you have been searching for and were never able to manage is just showered on you.
  11. 啓発 手段: you become only a presence, and that very presence is the truth. There are not two personsthe finder and the found. the seeker has dissolved, and what has remained is just a pure awareness with no identity, with no personality, with no ego. This very presence is truth. There is no other truth than your awareness.
  12. The faraway has a tremendous magnetic force, particularly for the ego, because it gives you the promise of great achievement. The psychology of the ego is contained in the word achievement: achieve something. The truth is already there, within you; you cannot achieve it, あなたはそれを失うことはできません, because it is your very being. That’s why millions of people never become interested in it — ポイントは? You can neither lose it nor can you attain itit is already there.
  13. With your ego you cannot know. Only in an egolessness, in a deep abyss, in the absence of the ego, does the perception happenthen you become a mirror. With the ego you will always interpret, you cannot know the truth. With the ego you will always be there interpreting in subtle ways, and your interpretation is not the truth. You are the medium of all falsification. Through you everything becomes false. When you are not there, the true reflects.
  14. 心を落とす! 思考停止! もっと警戒する! 木々を見て、鳥の声を聞いてください, 道を妨げる思考の画面がない. 直接会う! 真実は即時です, 放射, herenow. It is not that truth has to be discoveredonly you have to become aware. 真実はすでにここにあります.
  15. A religious person is not interested in God; he is more interested in the very source of his being, who he is: “Who am I?” That is the MOST fundamental religious questionnot God, not heaven, not hell, しかし “Who am I?” And if you can find the truth of your own being you will have found all the truth that is necessary to know and is worth knowing. You will have found God and you will have found NIRVANA and you will have found all that the seers, the rishis, the Buddhas, the prophets, あなたがあなたの命を救うならば、あなたはそれを失うでしょう、そしてあなたがそれを失うならば、あなたはそれを救うでしょう。, have been telling you to inquire into.