My meditation is not something separate from life, それは人生全体に広めなければならないものです. Your whole life has to be colored by it.
Sufis say that a master accepts you not because of your inquiry, he accepts you because of your preparation.
My work consists to bring you out of your cages — ヒンズー教, キリスト教徒, ユダヤ人, communist, theist, atheist.
My perception of sannyas is to be just yourself. If I say any attribute, I am imposing that attribute on my sannyasins. My sannyas is absolute freedom. With freedom of course a great responsibility comes, but that is not my business.
The real function of the Master is to give you encouragement. Just by his presence, his blissful life, peaceful life, creates a certain milieu in which you can move easily toward dropping your plannings, projects, and allowing existence to happen.
I have experienced so much that to die without conveying it in some way or other will be a shame.
OSHO is only one among the many,so let the many gather around HIM and Adore !!