Every choice is bound to end up in a miserable state. Choicelessness is blissfulness. And choicelessness is let-go.
I am not againstセックス; when you are feeling very prayerful, とても愛情深い, go into sex — 何も悪いことはありません — but never be trapped by passion. そして違いを見てください: when you are feeling loving, it is a totally different quality. When you are feeling happy, celebrating, and you would like to share your energy with somebody you love, go make love. But this is not a moment of passion, this is a moment of tremendous warmth. A moment of love, シェア.
The center is beyond seeking. You cannot seek it because it is already there; it cannot be sought. It just has to be discovered. とても有毒です.
Your own being is available only in silence, not in intellectual activity, but in a silent awareness. That is a totally different dimension and that is true knowing, knowing yourself. But that cannot be intellectual, because intellect is something that can only reach outwards; it has no way of reaching inwards.
Ultimately we have to find one point in ourselves from which we cannot in any way feel distinct because we are it. There are layers just like an onion; you peel one layer and there is another layer. You peel that layer and there is another. Go on peeling the onion. In禅they have a saying: “Go on peeling the onion till only nothingness is left in your hands.” And that nothingness is you.
Man has to grow without any ideal, without any discipline. His only religion should be awareness, and wherever that awareness leads him he should go without fear, whatever the consequences. That’s the way I have lived, and I have no regret.
Freedom brings responsibility. You act not according to any commandments, you act not according to Manu or Moses or Jesus, you act according to your own light. And whenever you act according to your own light, there is immense fulfillment, a deep rejoicing.
Make愛only when you are ready to be in a meditative space. そして、あなたが恋をしている間、瞑想的な雰囲気を作りましょう. あなたはその場所を神聖なものとして扱うべきです. 生命を創造する… より神聖なものは何ですか? 美しくする, 美的に, できるだけ楽しく. 急いではいけません. そして二人の恋人が外のそのような雰囲気の中で会うなら, そしてそのような静かな空間, 彼らは魂を引き付けるでしょう, 利用可能な最高.