

  1. A sannyasin simply means: 瞑想に同意した人.
  2. あなたはサニヤシンになりました. 今、あなたにはサニヤスの約束を果たす責任があります — それが瞑想です. Without meditation there is no sannyas. It is only your pure consciousness rising upwards — ゆっくり, slowly moving beyond the gravitation of lower thingsthat will make you a sannyasin. I can define sannyas as a flying experience to the stars.
  3. My sannyasin represents togetherness of action and meditation He is in the world and yet not of it. He is like a lotus flower coming out of dirty mud, but transforming the mud into the beauty of a lotus, living in a lake yet untouched by the water, absolutely untouched.
  4. A true sannyasin should be in the world, in action, and deeply rooted in meditation. Your roots should be in meditation, your branches should be in action.
  5. My sannyasin has to be both: with roots in the interior world and with flowers in the exterior world. My sannyasin has to be both: capable of intellect and also capable of intuition. There is no need to choose: whatsoever God has given has to be used to its fullest.
  6. Sannyasin is a totally different thing. It has nothing to do with Rajneeshism. Sannyas simply means they have accepted a way of meditation and a life of joy and rejoicing.
  7. That’s my insistence too: that a sannyasin should not renounce the world. Your meditation SHOULD grow in the world. It should be part of the day-to-day existence. You should not become an escapist.