Osho のリラクゼーションに関する言葉
- 仏陀はあなたがリラックスするのを助けます, 深いリラクゼーションの中でのみ、あなたも仏になるからです。. ある形式から別の形式へ.
- リラックスがポイント. And if you can relax with an enlightened person his enlightenment will start penetrating you, because when you are relaxed you become porous. When you are tense you are closed; when you relax he will enter.
- Be relaxed. Don’t try hard, because it is through relaxation that you can become aware, not by trying hard. Be calm, quiet, 静けさ.
- meditation is not concentration but relaxation — one simply relaxes into oneself. The more you relax, the more you feel yourself open, vulnerable, the more you are less rigid, you are more flexible — and suddenly existence starts penetrating you. You are no longer like a rock, you have openings. Relaxation means allowing yourself to fall into a state where you are not doing anything, because if you are doing something, tension will continue. It is a state of non-doing. You simply relax and you enjoy the feeling of relaxation. Relax into yourself, just close your eyes, and listen to all that is happening all around. No need to feel anything as distraction. The moment you feel it is a distraction, you are denying God. This moment God has come to you as a bird. Don’t deny. He has knocked at your door as a bird. The next moment he has come as a dog — barking, or as a child crying and weeping, or as a madman laughing. Don’t deny; don’t reject; accept — because if you deny you will become tense. All denials create tension. 承認. If you want to relax, acceptance is the way. Accept whatsoever is happening all around; let it become an organic whole.
- Buddha makes breathing the very foundation. A deep, relaxed breathing, an awareness of it, gives you such tremendous silence, relaxation, that by and by you simply merge, melt, disappear. You are no longer a separate island, you start vibrating with the whole. Then you are not a separate note but part of this whole symphony.
- ただ聞いて’ simply means: 何もしない. 何もしない. 何もしない. 何もしない. 何もしない, 何もしない, 何もしない. 何もしない. Loose. 何もしない. 何もしない, どこでも. As if you are falling asleep awake — you are awake and you are relaxing but the whole body is falling into sleep. 何もしない.
- If you can die in total relaxation, the quality of death changes and your new birth somewhere will be of a higher quality.
- Meditation or religion is a totally different world: it is relaxation, it is let-go — it is not concentration at all. It is not one-pointedness, it is no-pointedness.
- Meditation is only a name for being alone, 静けさ, waiting for the real to assert itself. It is not an act, it is a silent relaxation — because whatever you do will come out of your false personality. All your doing for twenty-six years has come out of it; it is an old habit.
- Just relax, because only in relaxation will you realize what is hidden in you.
- My whole approach is that of let-go; it is not of effort. You just relax and enjoy.
- If you are centered then you can do anything and it will not create any tension; your relaxation will remain the same.
- That is a fundamental understanding of a meditator — that he does not take himself seriously. Then relaxation comes automatically. And with relaxation, whatsoever is natural to you continues, and whatsoever is not natural to you falls on its own accord.
- Let-go means no competition, 闘争なし, no fight… just relaxing with existence, wherever it leads. Not trying to control your future, not trying to control consequences, but allowing them to happen… not even thinking about them. Let-go is in the present; consequences are tomorrow. And let-go is such a delightful experience, a total relaxation, a deep synchronicity with existence.
- The process is very simple. You have to lie down relaxed, the whole body relaxed. Looking inside the body starting from the toe, see if there is any tension. If there is any tension near the knee or near the stomach or anywhere, then relax it there. Bring that relaxation up to your head — and keep your eyes focused on the light.
So far I’ve been reading nearly all the quotes written by Osho. And I am glad to say that my life has totally changed and has got a new dimension. I can now solve my own problems without depending on others, and even stopped creating trouble to me and others.
I can’t neither prove that God does exist nor he doesn’t. But if it is believed that god exists, then where had God been when a child of 7 years old was raped and burnt alive? That kid was killed last year. Around 13 years ago the same happened to another child who was around 3 years old. She was raped and killed and her mother also testified that if god really exists then where was God when her daughter was killed. I would expect that someone telling me that before asking where had God been…where had the mother of that child been? She should be looking at her daughter…But could a mother look after her child 24hours a day? いいえ!
These two cases happened in Mauritius.
I understand that Mothers have responsibilities to look after their kids..but why should these kids suffer for even if their mother were not there at that time. They are just kids and new to the world. They are innocent.
tis is good 4 every one i like so muchi, 愛している
Maza aa gaya……osho the great…..
keep relaxing peoples,and osho’s understanding will come to you.