降伏に関するOshoの引用 – 基本的な降伏はリラックスです, 信頼


  1. The essential surrender happens within you, あなたの外の誰かとは何の関係もありません. 基本的な降伏はリラックスです, 信頼 — だから言葉に惑わされないで. 言語的に, surrender means to surrender to somebody, but religiously, surrender simply means trust, 心も少し休む時間があります. It is an attitude rather than an act: you live through trust.
  2. Trust means you are not fighting; surrender means you don’t think of life as the enemy but as the friend. Once you trust the river, suddenly you start enjoying. Tremendous delight arises: splashing, swimming, or just floating, or diving deep. But you are not separate from the river, you merge, あなたは一つになる.
    サレンダーとは、上手な泳ぎ手が川で泳ぐのと同じように人生を生きることを意味します. 人生は川. 戦うか浮かぶかのどちらか; リバーをプッシュして、c に逆らおうとすることもできます。. または、川と一緒に浮かんで、川が導くところならどこへでも行くことができます.
  3. 降伏は誰かに向かってではありません; それは単なる生き方です. 神は降伏する必要はない. 神を信じる宗教がある, 神を信じない宗教がある, しかし、すべての宗教は降伏を信じています. だから降伏こそが真の神.
  4. Even the concept of God can be discarded. Buddhism does not believe in any God, Jainism does not believe in any Godbut they are religions. Christianity believes in God, Islam believes in God, Sikhism believes in Godthey are also religions. クリスチャンは神への降伏を教えます; 神は降伏の言い訳にすぎない. お手伝いです, 物がなければ降伏するのは難しいから. オブジェクトは、神の名においてあなたが降伏できるようにするための単なる言い訳です. 仏教は単に降伏すると言う — 神はいない. リラックスして. それは何かの対象の問題ではない, それはあなたの主観の問題です. リラックス, 戦わないで. 承認.
  5. Much is possible, 許可すれば. But to allow is arduous, because to allow you will have to surrender. Emptiness means surrender.
  6. Drop the mind and the divine. 神は物体ではない, it is a merger. The mind resists a merger, the mind is against surrender; the mind is very cunning and calculating.
  7. You can miss mealways remember that possibility. But it will be because of you, not because of me; I am always ready. Whenever you are ready I will hit you, but a deep surrender is needed; before that nothing can be done. You have to die, die as you are, so that which you really are can be born out of you. You have to die as an appearance so that the real can be born. You have to die on the periphery, so that the center evolves and comes out in its luminousness, in its full perfection. All hits are to destroy the seed so that the tree is born.
  8. In the accidental world you have to struggle. In the essential world you have simply to surrender. In the accidental world you have to doubt. In the essential world you simply trustand this trust is not like belief. Belief is against doubt. Trust is simply absence of doubtit is not against doubt. You simply feel trustful!
  9. The essential man knows that it is not a question of putting more energy, it is not a question of fighting at all. It is a question of allowing existence to happen. Nothing is needed on your part to be done. Only one thing: a deep trust and surrender.
  10. You lose your tiny center and you attain to the center of existence itself. Suddenly you become infinite; suddenly you are no longer bound, you have no cage around your being. And infinite power starts flowing through you. You become a vehicleclear, with no obstructions. You become a flute and Krishna can sing through you. 君はただの通路になる — empty, nothing of your own. This is what I call surrender.
  11. All life is of the Whole. If you are trying to live on your own, you are simply being stupid. It is as if a leaf on a tree is trying to live on its own — それだけでなく, but fighting the tree; fighting other leaves, fighting the roots, thinking that those are all inimical to him. We are just leaves on a tree, a great treecall it ‘God’, or ‘the Whole’, or you name it, but we are small leaves on an infinite tree of life. There is no need to fight. The only way to come home is to surrender.
  12. Unless you fall back to the feminine and you surrender. unless your resistance and struggle become surrender. you will not know what real life, and the celebration of it, is.
  13. Beliefs are man-made; trust is God-made. 信念は哲学的です; 信頼は哲学とは何の関係もない. 信頼は、あなたが愛とは何かを知っていることを示しています. 天国のどこかに座って操作し管理している神の概念ではありません. 信頼は神を必要としない, 無限の命, この全体性, ある日突然彼らも不可能に出くわしました. 信頼したら, リラックスして. そのリラックスは降伏です.
  14. 人生であなたはいつも抵抗している, ファインティング, ご主人様と一緒でも; 降伏しない, または中途半端な降伏 — それは何の意味もない. しかし、あなたが死にかけているとき, 降伏はより簡単です, 死と降伏は同じプロセスだから. 全身が死にかけているとき, あなたは簡単に降伏することができます. 戦うのは難しい, 抵抗は難しい. あなたの抵抗はすでに壊れています, あなたの体は手放しに向かっています; それが死です.
  15. 降伏は愛のようなものです. だから恋人だけがサニヤシンになれるって言うんだ — 彼らは降伏する方法を少し知っているからです. 愛は神への第一歩, 降伏は最後です. そして、2つのステップが旅全体です.