思いやりについての Osho の言葉 – あふれる愛があるとき、それは思いやりです

思いやりについての Osho の言葉

  1. A man of enlightenment does not practice compassion. 彼は思いやりについて考える必要さえありません, 彼はただそれを見つけた. As his ego disappears and as he realizes the ultimate universal life force as his own.
  2. Sympathy is not compassion; it is just the opposite. Sympathy is a kind of exploitation of the other person. When you sympathize with somebody, you are higher, better, and the other is lower, falling, degraded. Your ego gets immense satisfaction out of sympathy. But this is how the unconscious mind functions. You don’t know exactly what you are doing.
  3. This word “思いやり” is composed of passion. To be compassionate means to be in love. Compassion is just a dimension of love. Passion is hasty, hectic, a little violent. Compassion is gentle, nice, 理解 — but it is passion after all.
  4. If you feel angry too often you should meditate more on anger, so that anger disappears and its energy becomes compassion.
  5. The man of enlightenment finds that with enlightenment many things have come as by-productsand compassion is one of the most important.
  6. It is exactly the same thing: when enlightenment comes, the ego has already gone out. When enlightenment comes, just as a shadow to it compassion comes in, truth comes in, beauty comes in, grace comes in, blissfulness comes in. All that you have been searching for and were never able to manage is just showered on you.
  7. My own observation is that a person who loves himself deeply becomes so blissful that his whole life becomes a prayer, a service, 思いやり. Only a blissful person can have compassion, and only a blissful person can have love. The person who goes on following others remaining so miserable deep down, so crippledhow can he love, how can he be compassionate? はい, he can go through empty motions of love, duty, but that is not going to fulfill him or the person he is dutiful to. It is not going to fulfill anybody.
  8. That’s why all the religions emphasize: God is compassionateRAHIM, RAHMAN! — God is compassion. This is just to give you an alternative gestalt so you become focused on His compassion, not on your unworthiness. You may be unworthy — それは無関係です — but God is compassionate. You may be a sinner — それは無関係です — God is compassionate. He gives for no reason at all; He is simply a giver, He knows only giving. And He does not give conditionally, He gives unconditionally.
  9. Unless you love the Master deeply you will not be able to understand his knocks; they will look inimical. They are out of his compassion, out of his love.
  10. To create nothingness in you is the goal of meditation, but this nothingness has nothing to do with the negative idea. It is full, abundantly full. It is so full that it starts overflowing. Buddha has defined this nothingness as overflowing compassion.
  11. 言葉 “思いやり” is beautiful. It is made out of the same word aspassion.When passion is transformed, when the desire to seek and search for the other is no more there, when you are enough unto yourself, when you don’t need anybody, when the very desire for the other has evaporated, when you are utterly happy, 至福の, just being alone, then passion becomes compassion. Now you don’t seek the other because you are feeling empty and lonely; now you seek the other because you are too full and you would like to share.
  12. あふれる愛があるとき、それは思いやりです.
  13. Passion arises out of negative nothingness and compassion arises out of positive nothingness.
  14. Buddha says that the real man of wisdom can be judged only by one thing: his compassion, 彼の愛. He will be radiating compassion. He wi!l be always ready to help people on the path. The people will be insulting him, the people will be in every possible way against him, the people will be angry at him, because the people are fast asleep and to put them on the path he has to wake them up. And nobody likes to be awakened because people are dreaming beautiful dreams. And you shake them and you wake them and you destroy their dreams, and that’s all that they have got. Otherwise they are lonely, otherwise they are empty. So they are somehow filling their inner spaces with dreams, 投影, 想像力.
  15. Please try to understand what I mean by being selfish. まずは自分を愛さなきゃ, know yourself, BE yourself. Out of that you will radiate love, 理解, tenderness, care for others. Out of meditation arises true compassion, but meditation is a selfish phenomenon. Meditation means just enjoying yourself and your aloneness, forgetting the whole world and just enjoying yourself. It is a selfish phenomenon, but out of this selfishness arises great altruism. And then there is no bragging about it; you don’t become egoistic. You don’t serve people; you don’t make them feel obliged to you. You simply enjoy sharing your love, あなたの喜び.
  16. 仏陀は言う: Meditation is enough to solve your problems, but something is missing in it — 思いやり. If compassion is also there, then you can help others solve their problems. 彼は言う。: Meditation is pure gold; it has a perfection of its own. But if there is compassion then the gold has a fragrance toothen a higher perfection, then a new kind of perfection, gold with fragrance. Gold is enough unto itselfvery valuablebut with compassion, meditation has a fragrance.
  17. With the flame of awareness even all that you have been thinking is wrong will become right. Love seems to be an entanglement, an imprisonment; with awareness that becomes a liberty, a freedom. Anger without consciousness is a destructive force, a suicidal force; it hurts you, it kills you by and by, it is a poison. With awareness the same energy is transfigured, becomes compassion. The same radiance comes to your face, but not in angerin compassion. The same blood flows, the same chemistry of the body, but a new foreign element has entered into it, and the whole chemistry changes.