沈黙の中に幸福や悲しみはありません – 沈黙の中に幸福や悲しみはありません


  1. 沈黙の中に幸福や悲しみはありません. 人が恋をするときはいつでも, 彼は深い満足の中にいる. 愛は見えない, しかし満足, 彼の周りの深い満足…彼の息ごと, 彼のあらゆる動き, 彼の存在そのもの — コンテンツ.
  2. When there is love and two centers have met and dissolved and merged, and a new alchemical quality is born, contentment is there. It is as if the whole existence has stoppedno movement. Then the present moment is the only moment. And then you can say: Ah, this cake is delicious. Even death doesn’t mean anything to a man who is in love.
  3. Fulfillment cannot happen without knowing who you are. How can you be fulfilled if deep within you at the center is darkness, ignorance? もしあなたが自分自身を知らないのなら, how can you be fulfilled? Before fulfillment, contentment, a basic requirement is to remember. And the miracle of remembering is that the moment you remember yourself, contentment and fulfillment come simultaneously — あなたの努力なしに. They are flowers of your enlightenment, of your remembrance.
  4. You have to become a nobody. The moment you are nobody, a silence descends on you, followed by a contentment. It is not contentment with the world; it is contentment with existence, with the stars, with the roses, with the ocean, with the rocks, with the mountains. It is not contentment with being a president of a country or a prime minister; it is not contentment with being the richest man in the world. It has nothing to do with your so-called world of ambitions. It is a very non-ambitious state. You are utterly empty, even empty of yourself. Only in that emptiness, contentment blossoms, flowers -but that contentment is divine.
  5. This experience of the innermost center brings a contentment. You don’t bring it; 来る, it simply rains over you. A contentment that you have practiced is false. A contentment that comes to you on its own accord is authentic.
  6. Only one thing can be the same and that is a deep contentment. Whether it is love, or it is nothingness, or it is silence, or it is ecstasy, one thing is running through all of them like a hidden thread running through a garland of flowersand that is a deep contentment.
  7. I am neither for anything, nor against anything. My whole approach is that you should find a deep, relaxed contentment with yourself and existence.
  8. When you are really in joy and contentment the ego is not, cannot be, because contentment cannot be with the ego — それは不可能です — they cannot exist together; it has never been heard of. Their coexistence is impossible. When joy and contentment are there, only God is.
  9. If there is contentment it means that without your knowing, some qualities of meditation have entered into you. Without knocking on your door, happiness has made a way into you.
  10. That is the only criterion whether a man has attained to truth or not he will never be unsatisfied. His contentment is absolute. You cannot drag him out of his contentment. You cannot make him discontented. Whatsoever happens he remains the same, 満足した. Success or failure, life or death, friends or no friends, lovers or no loversit makes no difference. His tranquility, his stillness, is utterly absolute. He is centered.
  11. Contentment has nothing to do with consolation; contentment is a totally different dimension. Try to understand it: consolation means somehow rationalising one’s situationtrying not to be worried, trying not to be too much concernedcreating buffers around one. That’s what Gurdjieff used to call ‘buffers’; everybody creates buffers around himself so that life is not so shocking.
  12. Consolation is a rationalisation, contentment is a realisation.You can become rich, you can become very powerful, but it will not be contentment. Contentment is only when your life energy becomes a circle.As meditation goes deep you will feel less and less desires, more and more contentment with whatsoever you have. There will be less and less desire for that which you don’t have, and more and more contentment with whatsoever you have. 瞑想が深まるにつれて, 非常に満足した意識が進化する. 結局欲がない, 満足だけ.
    彼らは反対です, 矛盾:
    もっと欲望, それからより少ない満足.
    少ない欲求, それからより多くの満足.
    欲望なし, それから絶対的な満足.
  13. The wise man has no complaints, he knows nothing but contentment. And if you still have any complaints, then go to the priest, the Cadi; then go to the priest and obtain satisfaction from him, because that is his function. Just see the difference between two words, ‘contentmentand ‘satisfaction’. Contentment arises out of wisdom, it is a fragrance of wisdom, and satisfaction is just imposed through knowledge. If you go to the priest he will satisfy you. If you go to the priest and say, “I am getting old and I am becoming afraid of death,” he will say, “心配しないでください. Only the body dies, the soul is immortal.He will simply give you knowledge. He himself has not attained, otherwise he would not have been a priest. The function of the priest is to console you. The function of the priest is somehow to keep you adjusted to the world. That has been the function of the priest up to now.