
気づきに関する Osho の言葉

  1. This self-remembering Buddha calls sammasati — 正しいマインドフルネス. Krishnamurti calls it ‘choiceless awareness’, ウパニシャッドはそれを「目撃者」と呼んでいます, グルジエフはそれを「自己記憶」と呼んでいます, グルジエフはそれを「自己記憶」と呼んでいます. But it does not mean that you have to become indifferent; if you become indifferent you lose the opportunity to self-remember.
  2. 心の中で何でも見てください, そしてあなたは断ち切られる. 見るのは剣. 思考があなたの心の中で動いているなら, 見てください — そして突然、あなたはその考えがそこにあることに気付くでしょう, あなたはここにいる, そして橋は残っていません. 見ないで, そしてあなたはその思考と同一視されるようになります, あなたはそれになる; 見る, そしてあなたはそうではありません. あなたが見る方法を忘れたので、心はあなたを所有しています. 学べ.
  3. Witnessing is a happening, 副産物 — a by-product of being total in any moment, in any situation, in any experience. Totality is the key: out of totality arises the benediction of Witnessing.
  4. The more you think, the more you fall away from reality. Thinking means going astray from the real. The real needs no thinking, the real needs only awareness. それが瞑想というものです. Meditation means just being alert.
  5. Meditation creates a distance, it gives you a perspective. You go beyond the problem. The level of consciousness changes. Through psychoanalysis you remain on the same level. The level never changes; you are adjusted on the same level again. Your awareness, あなたの意識, your witnessing capacity, doesn’t change. As you move in meditation you go higher and higher. You can look down at your problems. They are now in the valley, and you have come to a hill. From this perspective, this height, all the problems look different. And the more the distance grows, the more you become capable of observing them as if they do not belong to you.
Watch anything in the マインド, そしてあなたは断ち切られる. 見るのは剣. If a thought is moving in your mind, 見てください — and suddenly you will see the thought is there, あなたはここにいる, そして橋は残っていません. 見ないで, and you become identified with the thought, あなたはそれになる; 見る, and you are not it. Mind possesses you because you have forgotten how to watch. 学べ.