संन्यास पर ओशो लघु उद्धरण
- Without meditation there is no sannyas.
- संन्यास असंरचित जीवन जीने का एक तरीका है.
- संन्यास का अर्थ है ईश्वर के प्रति एक रचनात्मक दृष्टिकोण.
- सन्यास और ध्यान ही काफी हैं, अधिक कुछ नहीं चाहिए.
- This is the ultimate meaning of sannyas: not renunciation but rejoicing.
- Sannyas is nothing but a vision of living this moment utterly, पूरी तरह से, absolutely.
- Sannyas is not motivated by any reason; there is no “why” to it. That’s why the worldly will call it mad.
- Sannyas means dropping the mind! Mind cannot take sannyas because that will be suicidal to the mind.
- That is the pure essence of sannyas: living as nobody, with no greed, with no ambition. And then you can enjoy and you can celebrate.
- SANNYAS is living life in its totally, पल पल; allowing it to happen without any conditions on your part.
- Sannyas is only a declaration. The work is meditation. In one single word, my religion is complete, और वह है ध्यान.
- Sannyas is will to die, so that God can live, so that you disappear, so that you are no more a hindrance, so that you are no more a rock in His way.
- Sannyas simply means that you will not postpone life anymore. Sannyas simply means that you will not live in dreams anymore.
- Sannyas simply means they have accepted a way of meditation and a life of joy and rejoicing. It is accepting to create your life into a blissfulness.
- My sannyas simply means that you drop all the conditionings that have been imposed upon you after you were born — because nobody is born a Hindu, a Christian, a Buddhist. Every child is just a human being, but there are vested interests all around who impinge on the child, trespass his privacy, start conditioning him, continually emphasize systems of belief.
- My perception of sannyas is to be just yourself. If I say any attribute, I am imposing that attribute on my sannyasins. My sannyas is absolute freedom. With freedom of course a great responsibility comes, but that is not my business.
- Sannyas is not a conclusion of the mind. Sannyas is not thought-oriented; it has no roots in thinking. Sannyas is insightfulness; ब्रह्मांड के लिए, not mind. It is rooted in joy, not in thought.
- I define sannyas as living in freedom without bondage, living in freedom from every commandment, from every discipline, from every morality, from every religion.
- मुझे सम, sannyas means a commitment that “I am going to clean myself completely of all those things which have been imposed upon me, and I will start living on my own — fresh, young, pure, unpolluted.” So sannyas is an initiation into your innocence.
- Sannyas is an intelligent step of getting out of all the garbage that has accumulated around you, just jumping out of it clean, fresh, young, and starting anew so that when you die you can die with the satisfaction that you lived the way you wanted to live, that you did not live a borrowed life, that you were not an actor in a film, that you lived an authentic life.
- Sannyas is just a beginning, a seed of a totally different kind of world where people are free to be themselves, where people are not constrained, crippled, paralyzed, where people are not repressed, made to feel guilty, where joy is accepted, where cheerfulness is the rule, where seriousness has disappeared, where a nonserious sincerity, a playfulness has entered. These can be the indications, the fingers pointing to the moon.