ओशो वन लाइनर उद्धरण और बातें
- दिमाग गिराओ. यही है ध्यान.
- ध्यान मन से परे होता है.
- साक्षी बने रहो. पहरेदार बने रहो.
- अ-मन वह है जो ध्यान के बारे में है.
- याद रखें कि ध्यान साक्षी है.
- जागरूकता से किया गया कोई भी कार्य ध्यान है.
- A buddha does not meditate, he is meditation.
- To be a pure witness is the ultimate goal of consciousness.
- To be just a witness, and not a doer, is the very essence of meditation.
- The watcher is you and the watcher has no opinions, no ideas, it is just a mirror.
- Meditation takes you to your purity. Your purity is witnessing, watching, जागरूकता.
- Witnessing is present in every kind of meditation as an essential part; it cannot be avoided.
- Watching whatever is happening. Meditation is, in essence, becoming a watcher on the hills.
- When there is no mind there is meditation; when the mind has stopped meditation comes into being.
- A man of meditation needs no psychoanalysis. The deeper his meditation goes, the saner he becomes.
- That’s what meditation is all about: to know the witness, to know the SAKSHIN, to know the observer.
- ध्यान स्पष्टता की स्थिति है, मन की स्थिति नहीं. Mind is confusion. Mind is never clear. It cannot be
- Witness that you are not the body. Witness that you are not the mind. Witness that you are only the witness.
- The moment you are a witness you are in meditation. Whatever you are doing or not doing, it is irrelevant.
- Except for meditation there is no way to know yourself — in your purity, in your utter innocence, just like a mirror.
- Just be a watcher, and the miracle of watching is meditation. As you watch, slowly, slowly mind becomes empty of thoughts.
- Meditation is a mirror. All the mirrors can only show the physical face, but meditation can show you your spiritual face.
- Meditate, watch your thought processes; become just a spectator of your mind. यही है ध्यान, becoming a witness.
- Meditation is the way to go out of discontentment, out of anguish. You have to become just a watcher, a witness of the mind.
- It is a question of deep meditation that leads you beyond thinking, दिमाग से परे, and you become simply a witness, a pure witness.
- Meditation means: मुस्तैदी, जागरूकता, सचेतन. So whatever you are doing, just do it consciously, don’t do it mechanically.
- My meditation is a method of being aware — of whatever you are doing, thinking, feeling. On all three layers you have to become aware.
- My teaching is very simple: meditation is the key, becoming totally aware is the result. Experiencing oneness with the whole is the reward.
- Meditate on every state of mind so you can achieve the witness. Meditation is the way of detaching your witness from moods which go on passing.
- When needed, the witness, the man of meditation, the man of awareness, is capable of putting the mind on or off. He puts it on when there is some need.
- Do everything with consciousness, जागरूकता. Anything done in awareness is right; anything done in unawareness is wrong. That is my whole philosophy.
- Meditation is nothing but an effort to cleanse your mind of knowledge. Knowledge is dust that has gathered on the mirror of your being; it has to be cleaned.
- Meditation will be nothing then but a methodology to prepare the ground for you to jump from unconsciousness into consciousness. And that is the greatest quantum leap.
- Meditation is nothing but cleaning the mirror of your mind. Clean it continuously! If you can clean it every moment of your life, then there is no need to sit separately for meditation.
- Meditation is not a state of concentration; it is not a state of mind at all. It is a state of total mindlessness — and not a state of sleep either. No mind, no sleep; no mind, but total awareness.
- Meditation is not mind, and mind cannot create meditation. Meditation is getting out of the mind, becoming a watcher of the mind, witnessing all the stuff that goes through the mind.
- Meditation means going beyond the mind — not getting involved in the mind, not being bothered by the mind, not being interested in its dreams — simply transcending it, simply becoming a watcher.
- Witness the objects, the contents, of the mind. Whatsoever passes before you, watch it, without evaluating, judging or condemning. Don’t be for or against, just watch, and dhyana, ध्यान, is created.
- The mind is constantly talking. If the inner talk can drop even for a single moment you will be able to have a glimpse of no-mind. That’s what meditation is all about. The state of no-mind is the right state. It is your state.
- In meditation we don’t change the names of God. We don’t allow ourselves in meditation to be identified with the mind. We are the witness, and all games the mind plays are in front of the witness. The witness is separate from all games.
- Meditation simply means that you are silent; that there are not thoughts in the mind; that there is an immense space with no clouds, विचारों. And in that space, there is only one thing left, which is the witness, or the consciousness.
- Meditation is the state of no-mind. Not of a silent mind, not of a healthy mind, not of a concentrated mind, no. Meditation is the state of no-mind: no society within you, no conditioning within you. Just you, with your pure consciousness.
- Meditation is like an inner bath. To be alone for a few moments every day is a must; otherwise you will gather too much dust, and because of that dust your mirror will not reflect any more, or will not reflect rightly. It may start distorting things.
- A meditator is neither a man nor a woman, because meditation has nothing to do with your body; neither does it have anything to do with your mind. In meditation you are simply and purely consciousness. And consciousness is neither male nor female.
- Meditation means emptying yourself of all that the society has put inside you so that you can have a clean, clear vision, so that you can have a mirrorlike quality. When a mirror is without any dust it reflects reality; so is the case with meditation.
- Meditation means BEING meditative, silent, peaceful, with no thoughts in the mind, a consciousness without content. That is the true meaning of meditation: a pure consciousness, a mirror reflecting nothing. When a mirror is not reflecting anything, ब्रह्मांड के लिए.
- The whole secret of meditation, that you become the watcher. Doing continues on its own level, there is no problem: chopping wood, drawing water from the well. You can do all small and big things; only one thing is not allowed and that is, your centering should not be lost. That awareness, that watchfulness, should remain absolutely unclouded, इसलिए पतंजलि कहते हैं कि समाधि सुषुप्ति के समान है.
- Meditation starts by being separate from the mind, by being a witness. That is the only way of separating yourself from anything. If you are looking at the light, naturally one thing is certain, you are not the light, you are the one who is looking at it. If you are watching the flowers, one thing is certain, you are not the flower, you are the watcher. Watching is the key of meditation.
- If you want the real, you will have to go through a deep inner search, a profound understanding of your mind, an awareness of all the cunning ways of the mind so that the mind can be put aside. Then the mind is no longer between you and existence, and the doors are open. Meditation is the ultimate experience of blissfulness. It cannot be produced by drugs, it cannot be produced by machines, it cannot be produced from the outside.
- Just witness your mind process, don’t do anything at all. Nothing needs to be done, just be a witness, an observer, a watcher, looking at the traffic of the mind — thoughts passing by, क्योंकि मुझे भाषा का प्रयोग करना है, memories, dreams, fantasies. Simply stand aloof, cool — watching it, seeing it, with no judgment, with no condemnation, neither saying, “यह अच्छा है,” nor saying, “This is bad.” Don’t bring your moral concepts in, otherwise you will never be able to meditate.
- A simple strategy is needed; I call it meditation. You can call it anything — जागरूकता, मुस्तैदी, remembering, जागरूकता; the names don’t matter. What matters is that you should be able not to get into the chattering of the mind. Just be a watcher. Don’t participate. Just stand aside and see. Don’t even try to stop its chattering, because even in stopping it you have lost your watchfulness.
- Consciousness is exactly like a mirror which reflects. And meditation is allowing your mirror to reflect, simply to reflect the mind in action, the body in action. It doesn’t matter if the body is a man’s or a woman’s; it does not matter how the mind functions — emotionally or logically. Whatever the case, the consciousness has simply to be alert to it. That alertness, that awareness, is meditation. So there is no possibility of any difference in meditation between man and woman.
EXCELLENT. It covered all the aspects of Meditation. It was the sum and substance of all the 23 pages and all the information on Meditation Quotes. Reading this page and putting into practice is all about MEDITATION.