एक ऐसा संतोष जिसके बारे में आपने कभी सपने में भी नहीं सोचा होगा
- We have always been thinking in terms of comparison. मनुष्य पदानुक्रम बनाने के लिए बहुत अधिक वातानुकूलित है: चतुर कौन है, बेवकूफ कौन है, कौन सुन्दर है, कौन बदसूरत है... हम लोगों को वैसे ही स्वीकार नहीं कर सकते जैसे वे हैं.
- Comparison is mind-oriented.
- Love knows no contradiction. It knows no comparison. Each moment it is available.
- If you are egoistic you are bound to compare yourself with others. The ego cannot exist without comparison, hence if you really want to drop the ego, drop comparing. You will be surprised: where has the ego gone? तुलना करना, and it is there; and it is there only in comparison. It is not an actuality, it is a fiction created out of comparison.
- Don’t compare. Be contented with yourself. Enjoy, delight — help yourself to be yourself.
- Man creates comparison because ego is possible only if nourished by comparison continuously. But then you will have two outcomes: sometimes you will feel superior, and sometimes you will feel inferior. And the possibility of feeling inferior is greater than the possibility of feeling superior, because there are millions of people: somebody is more beautiful than you, somebody is taller than you, somebody is stronger than you, somebody seems to be more intelligent than you, somebody is more learned than you, somebody is more successful, somebody is more famous, somebody is this, somebody is that. If you just go on comparing, millions of people… you will gather a great inferiority complex. But it doesn’t exist, it is your creation.
- The mind compares. How can you compare when the mind is not? How can you say this tree is small and that tree big? When the mind drops, comparison drops, and when there is no comparison the beauty of existence erupts. It becomes a volcanic eruption, it explodes. Then you see the small is big and the big is small; then all contradictions are lost and the inner consistency is seen.
- ईर्ष्या तुलना है. और हमें तुलना करना सिखाया गया है, हमें तुलना करने के लिए वातानुकूलित किया गया है, हमेशा तुलना करें. किसी और के पास एक बेहतर घर है, किसी और के पास अधिक सुंदर शरीर है, किसी और के पास ज्यादा पैसा है, किसी और के पास अधिक करिश्माई व्यक्तित्व है. तुलना करना, अपने आप की तुलना उन सभी से करते रहें, जिनसे आप गुजरते हैं, और बड़ी ईर्ष्या का परिणाम होगा; यह तुलना के लिए कंडीशनिंग का उप-उत्पाद है.
- The nature of desire is Jewish. It wants more, it is mad for more. And those who live in desire are bound to be victims of death. Only the person who understands the foolishness of desiring, of greed, of constantly longing for more, of jealousy, of comparison, one who becomes aware of all this nonsense and drops it, goes beyond death.
- तुलना एक बहुत ही मूर्खतापूर्ण रवैया है, क्योंकि प्रत्येक व्यक्ति अद्वितीय और अतुलनीय है. एक बार यह समझ आप में बस जाए, ईर्ष्या गायब हो जाती है. Each is unique and incomparable. You are just yourself: nobody has ever been like you, and nobody will ever be like you. And you need not be like anybody else, either. God creates only originals; he does not believe in carbon copies.
- A mystic is the one who simply knows that he is himself. He lives his life according to his own light, he creates his own space, he has his own being. He is utterly contented with himself, because without comparison you cannot be discontented either. And he is not an egoist, he cannot be — ego needs comparison, ego feeds on comparison. He is simply doing his thing. The rose is a rose and the lotus is a lotus, and some tree is very high and some other tree is very small — but everything is as it is.
- Comparison is the way of the ego. Avoid comparison, otherwise you will always suffer. You will suffer in two ways. Sometimes your ego will feel superior to somebody; that will give you airs, that will get into your head, that will make you tense. You will not walk on the earth; you will become drunk, नशा. Or sometimes it will give you the feeling of inferiority; then too you will be crestfallen, shattered. Again great anguish and pain….
- याद रखना, ego is comparative — it always compares itself with others — and the self is noncomparative. When you know yourself it is neither inferior nor superior in comparison to anybody, it is simply itself. But the ego is comparative. और याद रखें, if you feel superior to somebody, you are bound to feel inferior to somebody else. So the ego is a very tricky phenomenon: on the one hand it makes you feel superior, on the other hand it makes you feel inferior. It keeps you in a double bind, it goes on pulling you apart. It drives you crazy.
- There are millions of people and each individual is unique. Drop that nonsense of comparing. But you cannot drop it unless you drop the past — the past LIVES on comparison, the ego FEEDS on comparison.
- Never compare, because all comparison is foolish. Everybody is just like himself. What is the point of comparing? Who are you to compare? And who are you to fix a criterion — to decide who is learned and who is not learned? Who are you to make a criterion who is beautiful and who is not beautiful? आप कौन हैं? Why should you judge? Jesus says, ‘Judge ye not.
- Not only do you go on moving in the same small circles, you repeat, you imitate other people and their stupidities. You are constantly repeating, you are constantly looking around at what is being done by whom. You don’t live a life from within; you are imitators. Your whole interest is exhibition: how to show that you are better than others, how to show that you are richer than others, how to show that you are more intelligent than others. In fact, it is only the unintelligent person who ever compares himself with others. The really intelligent never compares, because each individual is unique and comparison is impossible.