Osho – क्या आपने कभी किसी वस्तु को प्यार से देखा है? आप हाँ कह सकते हैं क्योंकि आप नहीं जानते कि किसी वस्तु को प्यार से देखने का क्या मतलब है. You may have looked lustfully at an object – that is another thing. That is totally different, बिल्कुल विपरीत. So first, the difference; try to feel the difference.
A beautiful face, a beautiful body – you look at it, and you feel that you are looking at it lovingly. But why are you looking at it? Do you want to get something out of it? Then it is lust, not love. Do you want to exploit it? Then it is lust, not love. Then really, you are thinking of how to use this body, how to possess it, how to make this body an instrument for your happiness.
Lust means how to use something for your happiness; love means your happiness is not at all concerned. Really, lust means how to get something out of it and love means how to give something. They are diametrically opposite. If you see a beautiful face and you feel love toward the face, the immediate feeling in your consciousness will be how to do something to make this face happy, how to do something to make this man or this woman happy. The concern is not with yourself, the concern is with the other.
प्यार में दूसरा जरूरी है; वासना में आप महत्वपूर्ण हैं. In lust you are thinking how to make the other your instrument; in love you are thinking how to become an instrument yourself. In lust you are going to sacrifice the other; in love you are going to sacrifice yourself. Love means giving; lust means getting. Love is a surrender; lust is an aggression.
What you say is meaningless. Even in lust you talk in terms of love. Your language is not very meaningful, so do not be deceived. Look within, and then you will come to understand that you have not once in your life looked lovingly toward someone or some object.
Source – Osho Book “Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 1″
Osho is man who teaches me perfection
osho is mine of
knowledge.i never found such a man who read a lot of books
osho sayings r awesome
Osho has no comparison. You cann’t ‘ve a topic on which Osho has not spoken.
I find that we had not seen a persona like Him nor will see in future ever.
Great is the best wOrd to say to him,,,,
osho learnt us to isolation of others it means . think differ feel differ of others that could be made you difrent
No wonder that he was called Bhagwan. What an insight ? How he could come out with so much is mind boggling
No wonder that he was called Bhagwan.
you look at the biproducts, a plants biproduct is the air you breathe, a cows biproduct is milk and dung, what is the real biproduct of OSHO? I am not telling you, you go find out. remember we had geniuses and real selfless teachers like Swami Vivekandanda, J Krishnamoorthy.
now i remember those days in my life when i and my friends start dynamic meditation in gulbarga,it is a ultimate exp and then i kme to that the meditation is the only way to reach the ultimate of life for that thanks osho……9900738007
aaaahhhh haaa
i lost my self
nd found myself
strange bt true
Your comments are foolish.
At First you try to look the truth that ” what’s the biproducts of Krishnamurthy & Vivekananda”. At last Krishnamoorthy realized that every one carefully heared his teachings but no one changed & also he talled about that. It happened also in the case of Vivekananda,Budhha,यीशु & Osho…etc. The path of an enlightened human like the path of a flying bird. So dear friend.. don’t try to understand a master with their biproducts….!
no words to say.. OSHO is the great philosopher, thinker etc.. He finds new techniques of yoga & ध्यान. He gives me a scientific, मनोवैज्ञानिक & philosophical way to think. 🙂
osho is one of the keys to life of satisfaction and abundance
Yes osho
osho is great
nice one!!