स्वामी रजनीश – धीमा करना अधिक शांति और अधिक जागरूकता पैदा करता है

स्वामी रजनीश:

do everything slowly
slow is a sure sign of moving ahead
do everything slowly

when you do anything slowly it removes mechanicalness
धीमा करना अधिक शांति और अधिक जागरूकता पैदा करता है
removes unconscious mechanical behaviour
it is the key to meditation and awareness
everything slow and deep

the deeper you go the slower you will become
so slow is perfectly correct
mechanically you can do many things very fast
but if you have to do things consciously
there is certain flow you have to follow
and that has a certain pace and speed

the deeper you will go and the higher you will reach
the slower you will become
everything you will see will start becoming slow motion
you will start seeing things in slow motion
you are seeing all the gentle movements in the breeze

everything you will start seeing
will become like swimming in slow motion
slow is perfectly right
do everything slowly

source: swami rajneesh bookdissOLVE-into LOVE