प्यार और कामुकता पर ओशो उद्धरण
- A conditional love is nothing but an infatuation, लैंगिकता. बिना शर्त ही एकमात्र तरीका है जिससे प्यार हो सकता है. जहां भी कोई स्थिति आती है, प्यार गायब हो जाता है. यह बंधन में नहीं रह सकता, and a condition gives it an imprisonment. Love can only live like the vast sky. Love knows no boundaries.
- Sexuality is possible without any understanding, without any meditation. Love is possible only with understanding. Compassion is possible only with understanding and meditation, understanding and awareness.
- The meditative person can transform his sexuality without any antagonism. without any conflict. He is in deep friendship with all his energies, sexual or others; he is not in any fight. Why fight with your own energies? Love them, rejoice in them, and help them to transcend the lower forms, the animal forms. Let them move from the body towards the turiya, the fourth.
- If you want to change from sex towards love, try to understand your sexuality. Watch it, watch the mechanicalness of it. See the futility, see the whole absurdity of it — it is not leading you anywhere. Become a little more refined, become a little more subtle. Look not for the body, but somebody’s being. Watch, explore. Sooner or later you will find somebody who fits with you.
- Ordinarily we think sex makes people loving — sex can never make people loving. In fact, it is sexuality that prevents love from growing — because it is the same energy that has to become love. It is being destroyed in sex. To become love, the same energy has to move to the heart centre.
- One has to love unconditionally — the trees and the rocks and the sun and the moon and the people.
- A boyfriend or a girlfriend may be fun, but cannot become a door to the deepest that is hidden in each and everyone. With a girlfriend you can be sexually related, but love cannot grow. Love needs deep roots. Sexuality is possible on the surface, but sexuality is just animal, biological. It can be beautiful if it is part of a deeper love, but if it is not part of a deeper love it is the most ugly thing possible; the ugliest, because then there is no communion — you simply touch each other and separate. Only bodies meet, but not you — not I, not thou. This has happened in all relationships.
- Love is born in sexuality but sexuality is not love. The lotus is born in the mud, but the lotus is not just mud. And if mud remains mud of course there are bound to be tears on the cheeks.
- Love can exist only after meditation, not before it. That is a simple existential law. Before meditation — only lust, only sexuality. Before meditation you are an animal and not really a human being. With meditation a transformation comes: you become human, and out of your humanness, love flows.
- वासना से सावधान, बेहोश कामुकता. जब कामवासना होश में आती है तो उसका स्वाद बिल्कुल अलग होता है. तंत्र हो जाता है, यह अब सेक्स नहीं है. जब कामवासना होश में आती है तो वह प्रेम है, यह अब वासना नहीं है. प्यार आज़ादी लाता है, और वासना बस तुम्हारे लिए कारागार बना देती है.
- Unless your sexuality rises and reaches to love it is mundane, it has nothing sacred about it. When your sex becomes love, then it is entering into a totally different dimension — the dimension of the mysterious and the miraculous. Now it is becoming religious, sacred, it is no longer profane.
- Sex can be transcended and should be transcended, but transcendence has to be not against nature but with nature, Through nature. Accept your sexuality — it is part of you! and a tremendously important part. You are born out of sex. Each cell of your body is a sex cell. Sex energy is your life energy! — respect it, it is a gift from God. Understand it. Be more and more meditative about it. But drop all prejudices, drop all condemnations. because when you carry a condemnation you cannot understand a thing. Drop all judgements. Sex is sex — it is a pure natural energy. With great acceptance, love, respect, meditate over it. Go deeper and deeper into it to see what exactly it is. And in that very seeing you will be going beyond it.
- The person who is free of sexuality, whose sexuality has become a transformed phenomenon, is also free of money, is also free of ambition, is also free of the desire to be famous. Immediately all these things disappear from his life. The moment sex energy starts rising upwards, the moment sex energy starts becoming love, प्रार्थना, ध्यान, then all lower manifestations disappear.
- Love is creative. Sex is destructive. And there is a lot of difference between the two. Sometimes you start thinking that your sexuality is your love. Then you are deceived. Sexuality can play the game of love, but it is a counterfeit game. मैं सेक्स के खिलाफ नहीं हूं, but I am certainly against sexuality. And the difference is that sex is a natural thing and sexuality is a mind thing. To love a woman is natural, to love a man is natural. To reproduce children is natural, nothing wrong in it. But to think about women, to carry pornographic pictures, to fall asleep every night thinking about women — women and women and women — that is sexuality.
- When you are in sexuality you don’t bother much to whom you are making love — any body will do. You just need a woman or a man, any body will do. You just need the other’s body. In love, any body won’t do, anybody’s body won’t do. You need a person who is in deep love with you, who has a certain affinity and harmony with you, in whose presence your heart starts singing, a deep bell starts ringing… in whose presence you feel a blessing. Then only is it possible for you to make love to the other person. To make love is possible only if the meeting — the inner meeting — has happened. Otherwise it is simply impossible to think, even to imagine that you are making love to a person you don’t love.
- If you have really experienced the inner light, sex will disappear. Love will happen to you, but sex will disappear; sexuality will disappear. प्यार, a very loving personality, will take its place. There will be no desire for sex. If the desire for sex remains, you have not experienced the inner light. Then the inner light is just a projection of the mind.
- A split personality can never become non-greedy. It can try, but it can never become. A split personality can never go beyond anger. It can try, but it can never go beyond. A split personality can never go beyond sex. It can fight. So many monks in the monasteries are doing it. They don’t go beyond sex; at the most their sexuality becomes perverted, their love becomes poisoned.
- याद रखना, you can make love to a woman without any love in your heart — then it is pure sexuality, animality; यह वेश्यावृत्ति है. You can make love to a woman with no idea of sex, then love is just a pure communication of two energies, a sharing, a dance, a celebration. No idea of sex in the mind and you can make love to a woman, and the woman can make love to you not thinking of sex at all. The whole point is where your mind is. If you are thinking of sex, if your mind is obsessed with sex, you simply want to use the woman, the woman simply wants to use you, it is ugly. It has no aesthetics in it, no poetry in it. There is nothing of the beyond in it — it is very muddy.
oh,,,great philosophy,,,,,,,,,,,,the highly intellectual words ,,,,,,,, osho you are the world guru ,,,you are everything,,,,,,,,
Always bringing the light to the darkness.
We celebrate eachday our love affaire with you
Beloved Master !!!!
thats why i considered him a guru of gurus . A man of heavy personality.
love u………………….
OSHO is Life and Everything
great words,but dont know how to follow it
What ridiculous philoso-babble. The logic is flawed from beginning to end: the false dichotomy between love and sex, the superficial grasp of human psychology…who is actually buying into this shit?
gr8 gr8…….
thundering words………
each and every word carrries a thousand lives.
None can be like him.
gr8 person……
gr8 guru……..
heavy impact on every one who ever knows him….
love you dear guru…….
all are amazing
Only an enlightened man like Osho can discern the difference between sex,sexuality and love.
Enlightening reflections indeed!
OSHO has made clear what love is and what sex is ……….
Really great philo………………..
wise words. helped me a lot.
OH,Acharaya what you said if your sayings become true and every person become transformated and being an angel…………………….great soul Osho
some best people born in decades and he is one of them.
he has changed millions of live indeed.. Transformation of sex energy into love… तथा “the desire to have sex with every body”……… is the serious issue now in capitalist society…. where we can buy everything from money… but Osho is the only solution which u can’t buy from money.
no words from me….
only flowing with guru osho….
thanks you very much to make the differences of life how can i know about more and more
In love .. Osho words
His words really made a eye opening for me. A great man mastered the real meaning of life,death and sex..I will follow his foot steps and i will really make him proud.