दर्द पर ओशो उद्धरण, दर्द पर ओशो की बातें

दर्द पर ओशो उद्धरण

  1. Whenever there is pleasure there is pain hidden in it. यह आपका अनुभव रहा है लेकिन आपको इसका पता नहीं चला है. The pain will come in the evening but the pleasure is here in the morning.
  2. Go deep into pain, but become more and more aware. Use pain as an object of awareness, as an object of meditation.
  3. A man who is successful in the world feels the pain of being a failure as nobody else can feel it. There is a proverb that says that nothing succeeds like success. I would like to tell you: nothing fails like success. But you cannot know it unless you have succeeded. When all the riches are there that you have dreamt about, planned about, worked hard for, then sitting just amidst those riches is the beggardeep inside empty, hollow; nothing inside, everything outside.
  4. Pain also cleanses, purifies. Pain is a fire, and only through the fire does gold come to its real shininessthe gold becomes pure.
  5. Buddha is saying: Birth is pain, youth is pain, old age is pain, death is painwhy do you want to continue? For what? His meditation is a search for dissolving oneself back into the cosmos. It is total rest, rest from yourself; total freedom, freedom even from yourself.
  6. Don’t be angry at life. It is not life that is frustrating you, it is you who are not listening to life. And this I call a criterion, a touchstone: if you see a saint who is against life, bitter against life, know well he has not understood yet. Otherwise he will bow down to life in deep respect and reverence, because life has awakened him out of his dreams. Life is very shocking, that’s why. Life is painful. The pain comes because you are desiring something which is not possible. It doesn’t come from life, it comes from your expectation.
  7. You have to understand one thing: that enlightenment is not an escape from pain but an understanding of pain, an understanding of your anguish, an understanding of your miserynot a cover-up, not a substitute, but a deep insight: “Why am I miserable, why is there so much anxiety, why is there so much anguish, what are the causes in me that are creating it?” And to see those causes clearly is to be free from them.
  8. The question is not how to change ugliness into beauty, how to change pain into pleasure, how to change misery into happiness. No. The question is how to change the unconscious into conscious, the unenlightened attitude into the enlightened attitudehow to change your inner world of being, how to attain to life-affirmative values and drop life-negative values.
  9. The moment you accept the pain with no rejection anywhere, its energy and its quality changes. It is no longer pain. In fact one is simply surprised, one cannot believe it, it is so incredible. One cannot believe that suffering can be transformed into ecstasy, that pain can become joy.
  10. Opposites are complementaries. If you can suffer your suffering in totality, in great intensity, you will be surprised: Saul becomes Paul. You will not be able to believe it when it happens for the first time, that your own suffering absorbed willingly, welcomingly, becomes a great blessing. The same energy that becomes hate becomes love, the same energy that becomes pain becomes pleasure, the same energy that becomes suffering becomes bliss.
  11. The person who is capable of being still, silent, accepting of pain, frustration and misery, transforms the very quality of misery itself. To him, misery also becomes a treasure; to him, even pain gives a sharpness. To him, even darkness has its own beauty, गहराई, infinity. To him, even death is not the end but only a beginning of something unknown.
  12. Once this insight settles: “I am responsible for my lifefor all my suffering, for my pain, for all that has happened to me and is happening to meI have chosen it this way; these are the seeds that I sowed and now I am reaping the crop; I am responsible” — once this insight becomes a natural understanding in you, then everything else is simple. Then life starts taking a new turn, starts moving into a new dimension. That dimension is conversion, revolution, mutationbecause once I know I am responsible, I also know that I can drop it any moment I decide to. Nobody can prevent me from dropping it.
  13. Just give your love to anybodya stranger. It is not a question that you have to give something very valuable, just a helping hand and that will be enough. In twenty-four hours, whatever you do should be done with love, and the pain in your heart will disappear. And because you will be loving so much, people will love you. It is a natural law. You get what you give. In fact you get more than you give. Learn giving, and you will find so many people being loving towards you who had never looked at you, who had never bothered about you.
  14. Life is possible only through challenges. Life is possible only when you have both good weather and bad weather, when you have both pleasure and pain, when you have both winter and summer, day and night. When you have both sadness and happiness, discomfort and comfort. Life moves between these two polarities. Moving between these two polarities you learn how to balance. Between these two wings you learn how to fly to the farthest star.
  15. We live in passionour lives are passionate. Passion is always a turmoil: ups and downs, one day good, another day bad, day follows nightIn the same way the life of passion is continuously going into pleasure, into painand they are balancing each other.
  16. Time is a relative phenomenon. It is nothing absolute, so in different contexts it will have different meanings. You are in paintime will look longer. Your tooth is hurtingseconds will look like minutes, minutes will look like hours. It depends how much the tooth is hurting! In pain you want to finish it, finish this pain, somehow to get rid of it. You don’t want to prolong it, so time seems to be long.
  17. The most fundamental thing to be remembered is that life is dialectical. It exists through duality, it is a rhythm between opposites. You cannot be happy forever, otherwise happiness will lose all meaning. You cannot be in harmony forever, otherwise you will become unaware of the harmony. Harmony has to be followed by discord again and again, and happiness has to be followed by unhappiness. Every pleasure has its own pain, and every pain has its own pleasure. Unless one understands this duality of existence, one remains in unnecessary misery. Accept the total, with all its agonies and all its ecstasies. Don’t hanker for the impossible; don’t desire that there should be only ecstasy and no agony.
  18. Go into sadness so deeply that you know the whole path, you know the whole pain. And pain transforms. Pain is like fire. It melts the gold but it purifies it. Whatsoever is accidental will be burned in it, but whatsoever is essential will come out of it purer. Out of each sadnessif one goes to the very endone will come out stronger, more grounded, centred. You will not be able to recognise your own face. You will have such a grace if you can go to the very end of it. And when it changes, you see that moment when suddenly you are on the threshold of changethe night turning into the morning. The stars disappear and the sun is rising on the horizon. The very darkness becomes light and dawn. It is one of the most beautiful experiences that man can ever have.
  19. Meditation is needed to give you a break from the others, the eyes of others, the mirror of others. Forget them! For a few minutes just look insidethen you will feel the inner pain and suffering, that you are empty there. Then a transformation starts: then you start looking for the inner riches, the treasury that exists within younot for the treasures that are spread all around.
  20. The world is within the mind. Meditation is beyond the mind. The mind creates the world, but the mind cannot create meditation. The mind can create frustration, satisfaction, pleasure, pain, चिंता, बचपन को भुनाता है.
  21. Meditation is bound to stir up all this that has been done to you for centuries, but that cannot be avoided. If you want to avoid it you will remain the same. You will have to go through this pain of seeing all these ugly things that are in you. But better to see and go through it to reach your innermost core so that you can find your own intrinsic intelligence, so that you can find your own lost consciousness.
  22. That’s what meditation is all about: an effort to drop pain and pleasure, the conflict and the duality, and to go deeper into oneselfjust to be there without any desire for anything. In that moment of no-desire, the ultimate happens.