विश्राम पर ओशो उद्धरण एक बुद्ध आपको आराम करने में मदद करेगा
- I want you to rebel against any effort that takes away your freedom. मेरे लिए स्वतंत्रता परम अनुभव है, सबसे सुंदर, सबसे दिव्य.
- जीवन का सम्मान करें, श्रद्धेय जीवन. There is nothing more holy than life, nothing more divine than life.
- Witness that you are not the body.
Witness that you are not the mind.
Witness that you are only the witness. - Respect your life. Out of that respect you will start respecting life in others.
- The man who has transcended his mind is in absolute control of his mind. He uses it when needed, and he stops using it when it is not needed; mind becomes an instrument in his hands. But for the ordinary man the situation is very sad. He becomes an instrument in the hands of the mind.
- Only a playful, childlike, innocent behavior is the right behavior, is what I would like to call virtuous behavior, religious, आध्यात्मिक… not only human but divine. The moment you are as innocent as a child you have transcended humanity, you have entered into the world of godliness.
- My whole teaching is: Just be what you are and don’t care a bit about the world. Then you will feel a tremendous relaxation and a deep peace within your heart. That is your original face, relaxed, without tensions, without pretensions, without hypocrisies, without the so-called disciplines of how you should behave.