Short Quotations of Osho
- Make yourself more and more alert.
- अस्तित्व का सारा खेल इतना सुंदर है कि हँसी ही उसकी प्रतिक्रिया हो सकती है. केवल हँसी ही सच्ची प्रार्थना हो सकती है, gratitude.
- Meditation cannot be a fragmented thing, it should be a continuous effort. Every moment one has to be alert, aware and meditative.
- If meditation really happens, whatsoever the cause, compassion has to follow.
- दिमाग, and mind’s hold on you, is the imprisonment. Get rid of the mind.
- Individuality is the very flowering of existence — nothing is higher than it.
- No-mind is not against mind: no-mind is beyond mind.
- Happiness comes when you are meditative.
- My whole love and respect is for the person who accepts himself totally, as he is. He has courage.
- Western man is missing the flowering of life because he knows nothing about meditation, and Eastern man is missing because he knows nothing of love.
- Just as water flows downwards towards the ocean, सुंदरता, सत्य, love — all that is valuable in existence — flows towards a person who is nobody.