समर्पण पर ओशो उद्धरण – In surrender your ego is dropped

समर्पण पर ओशो उद्धरण

  1. The first thing Buddha says: आत्मसमर्पण! The most basic thing is: surrender to reality. The more you fight, the more you are in conflict with it, the more you will create obstructions. The more you fight with reality, the more you will be a loser. बेशक, through fighting you can attain to the ego, you can become a very strong ego, but your ego will be the hindrance.
  2. They should be completely surrendered to the river of life, completely surrendered to the river of existence. In deep surrender, the ego disappears. And when the ego is not there, for the first time you become aware of that which has always been there.
  3. Buddha has said to his disciples: Whenever you meditate, after each meditation, surrender all that you have earned out of meditation, surrender it to the universe. If you are blissful, pour it back into the universedon’t carry it as a treasure. If you are feeling very happy, share it immediatelydon’t become attached to it, otherwise your meditation itself will become a new process of the self. And the ultimate meditation is not a process of self. The ultimate meditation is a process of getting more and more into un-self, into non-selfit is a disappearance of the self.
  4. पूर्व में, the concept of surrender has been developed very minutely, in details. But this example of a driftwood is almost perfect; you cannot improve upon it. Sometimes, sitting by the side of the river, watch timber flowing down. See how peacefully, how relaxed how very trusting the driftwood is. No doubt. If the river is going south, it must be good to go to the south. None of its own desire, no private goal — “the river’s goal is my goal.The river is already going towards the ocean. The river is going to dissolve into the vast infinity of the ocean. If you can surrender to it, that will be enough.
  5. Coming to a Master and surrendering to a Master is nothing but entering into the stream. The Master is one who is surrendered to the river of existence. It is difficult for you to see the river of existence, it is very invisible. It is not material, it is very immaterial. It is difficult to hold it in your hands, but when you stand by the side of a Buddha at least you can hold Buddha’s hand.
  6. To become a disciple means to be ready to float with the Master. And if you can float with a man, with a Master, you will start enjoying, you will start celebratingbecause ALL anxiety will disappear, all anguish will disappear. And then you will be ready to surrender totally.
  7. Find out a person in whose presence you feel something has happened. Find out a person in whose presence you feel a fragrance of the Divine, in whose presence you feel a coolness, in whose presence you feel love, compassion, in whose presence you feel a silenceunknown, unexperienced, but it surrounds you, overwhelms you. Then surrender to that person. Then, by and by, he will bring you to the point where surrender will not be neededyou will realise your own innermost core of being, you will become an Arhat. The Arhat is the final stage of enlightenment.
  8. Disobedience is needed to become obedient. Rebellion is needed to know what surrender is. Ego is needed to become egoless. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. Remember it, and never be afraid of the forbidden. The forbidden is the path. Go into it! Go courageously. Go totallyso that you can finish the attraction. And you are not going to find anything in it. You will come empty out of itthat will be a great experience, a great maturity. Sin can never be fulfilling, so why be afraid?
  9. Surrender is not throwing away of responsibility. Surrender is simply an indication of trust, that you trust this man. Now whatsoever HE is going to say, you are going to do. Surrender is the beginning of a great effort! Surrender is the beginning of a great journey. Surrender is getting into the stream. When you surrender to me, you simply surrender to me so that I can make you yourself. You have tried in your own way and you have failed. You have tried and followed many people and you have failedbecause those people were not interested really in you; they were interested in their own idea. Somebody was trying to make you become a Christian. Somebody was trying to make you a Hindu. Somebody was trying to change you into a Mohammedan. They were interested in their own ways. They had their own ideas to impose on you. You were victims. With me, I am not trying to make you a Christian or a Hindu or a Jain or a BuddhistI am simply trying to make you just the one that you are, that you are meant to be, that God wants you to be.
  10. Unless the DESIRE disappears, unless the hope is abandoned, it will not happen. Surrender happens only when the desire, the hope, गायब. In total abandon it happens.
  11. Surrender is a gift from God. When you are completely absent, neither doing nor not doing, it happens. But it has nothing to do with you, so you can completely forget about it. You simply do your ordinary things: eat, sleep, walk, dance, sing, loveyou do your ordinary things and you just forget all about surrender. One day, suddenly, it is there. Doing the ordinary things of life, not waiting for any extraordinary happening, not waiting for some miracle, one day it is there. It is simply there. One morning you rise and it is thereyour whole room is full of a benediction. And after that, you cannot lose it; there is no way to lose it. Because, really, in surrender what actually happens is that your own nature comes to a flowering. But it is a gift from God. Even pray not for it, because in your prayer also there will be desire.
  12. The problem is not somewhere outside; the problem is your ego. You have to be saved from the ego. The problem is man himself; man has to be saved from man himself. The enemy is not outside, the enemy is within. In surrender you drop that enemy. In that very dropping the inner darkness disappears. Not that you surrender and I will do something; ध्यान व्यक्ति को संपूर्ण बनाता है, nobody can do anything. When you surrender, in that very surrender something happens and your inner light starts burning, your inner light starts becoming clear. Clouds disappear. Not that through your surrender I will do something to you; YOU do something to you through your surrender. I am just an excuse. And this has to be understood.
  13. Don’t surrender to me in order not to have any responsibility. Don’t surrender to me in greed. Don’t surrender to me thinking that now I will do something. Nobody can do anything to you: that is your total freedom, nobody can interfere in it. I am just an excuse. Without me it will be difficult for you to surrender. Otherwise, you can go and you can surrender to the sky; the same will happen. You can go and you can surrender to a Buddha-statue and the same will happen. You can go to a mosque where there is no statue and surrender, and the same will happen. These are all excuses. Whichever excuse you like best you can dobut surrender you have to do. In surrender your ego is dropped. Your ego is your ignorance, your ego is your darkness, your ego is your prison.
  14. Ordinarily, you think people who surrender are weaklingsyou are wrong. Only very strong people can surrender, surrender needs strength, great strength. If you surrender out of weakness, your surrender is meaningless, impotent. If you surrender out of strength, then your surrender has meaning, significance. At the sixth center, when will comes to its ultimate focusing, surrender is possible. Out of will is created surrender: out of man, God created woman.
  15. Surrender simply means an understanding: Enough of thisI” — now I drop it. The moment you dropI”, you have dropped the whole hypnosis that the society has forced you to go through. The moment you drop the ego, you have dropped the state, the religion, the church, the society, the parents, the school, the university, the civilization, the culture: you have dropped all conditioning. And then suddenly you will see an upsurge of tremendous bliss arising in you. It was there, waitingjust remove the weight, and the spring can flow again.
Find out a person in whose presence you feel something has happened. Find out a person in whose presence you feel a fragrance of the Divine, in whose presence you feel a coolness, in whose presence you feel love, compassion, in whose presence you feel a silenceunknown, unexperienced, but it surrounds you, overwhelms you. Then surrender to that person. Then, by and by, he will bring you to the point where surrender will not be neededyou will realise your own innermost core of being, you will become an Arhat. The Arhat is the final stage of enlightenment.