Citas de Osho sobre el odio
- Logic says life is life and can never be death. ¿Cómo puede la vida ser la muerte?? Pero en la realidad, la vida se mueve a cada momento hacia la muerte. La vida es muerte. Logic says love is love and can never be hate; but love is moving every moment into hate, and hate is moving every moment into love. You love the same person and you hate the same person — the deeper the love, the deeper the hate. Hate and love are two aspects of the same coin. Can you hate a person without loving him? How can you hate a person without loving him? First you have to love, only then can you hate. Hate needs love as a first step. How can you become inimical to a person with whom you have never been friendly? Friends and foes are separate only in logic; in reality they are together. If you search your hate deeply, you will find love hidden.
- Mi mensaje de amor no es el mensaje de ese amor que es el polo opuesto del odio.. Mi mensaje de amor es de ese amor que es capaz de absorber el odio y transformarlo.
- What is important is that if you hate, hate with awareness. Si amas, amar con conciencia. Si te fuera a enseñar no te diría a quien amar, como amar. eso es todo una tonteria. El amor es tu cualidad intrínseca. Naces con eso, así como el odio también está ahí. te enseñare, ser consciente. Antes que te pase algo — amor u odio, enfado, pasión, compasión, cualquier cosa — ser consciente. Deja que todo surja de tu conciencia. And the miracle of awareness is that without your saying anything, without your doing anything, it simply dissolves all that is ugly in you into all that is beautiful. Awareness is a transforming force. Por ejemplo, if you are aware of anger, desaparecerá. If you are aware of love it will become stronger. If there is hate and you become aware of it, desaparecerá, dissipate. Soon you will find that that cloud of hatred has disappeared and instead a totally opposite quality — a mixture of compassion, amabilidad, lovingness — has been left behind like an aroma. To me this is the criterion: Whatsoever deepens with your awareness is virtue. Whatsoever disappears with your awareness is sin. To me this is the definition. I don’t label any act as sin, virtud, bien, wrong — acts don’t have that quality. It is your awareness.
- It is an established psychological fact that love is never alone, it is always with hate — you hate the same person you love. And they go on changing shifts: in the morning you hate, in the evening you love. But this kind of affair of coming close and going farther away is an unending process. It is not going to give you contentment; it is not going to give you the faith, the trust and the blissfulness. Sí, it will give you a few glimpses once in a while, but it will also give you many nightmares. Then they all get mixed up and people become just a mess. Their nightmares and their sweet moments, their golden moments all get mixed up — look into any mind and you will find this mess. They are unable to sort it out. De hecho, there is no way to sort it out. Either drop it or take it up — these are the only two alternatives. One day everybody is going to drop it, because how long can you live in hell, how long can you torture yourself? No small affair can be a fulfillment; you are born with the capacity for the great affair. It needs a determined will — not a belief, not knowledge, but an absolute determination that you are going to be yourself, that you are going to throw away all that has been loaded onto you, that you are going to be nude, as you were born, and you are going to look at existence without any prejudiced eyes.
- Life depends on the polar opposites: bueno y malo, amor y odio, body/mind, matter/God. Nothing is bad, nothing is good. Between good and bad, you have to grow; between good and bad, you have to mature — and BOTH are opportunities, GREAT opportunities. Don’t condemn them. respetar la vida, and life will respect you. Love life, and love will shower blessings on you.
- No elijas. Accept life as it is in its totality. You must look at the total: life and death together, love and hate together, happiness/unhappiness together, agony/ecstasy together. If you look at them together, then what is there to choose? If you see they are one, then from where can choice enter? If you see agony is nothing but ecstasy, ecstasy nothing but agony; if you can see happiness is nothing but unhappiness; love is nothing but hate, hate is nothing but love — then where to choose? how to choose? Then choice drops.
- Difficult not to choose, but try — and in everything… When you feel hate, try to move to the middle. When you feel love, try to move to the middle. Whatsoever you feel, try to move to the middle. And you will be surprised that there is a point between every two extremes where both cease to exist — when neither do you feel hate nor do you feel love. This is what Buddha called UPEKSHA, indiferencia. Indifference is not the right word. UPEKSHA means such a middle point from where you are neither this nor that. No puedes decir, “todos son divinos,” es un equilibrio, “I hate.” You simply cannot say anything, you are simply in the middle. You are not identified. A transcendence happens, and transcendence is the flowering. That is the maturity to be attained, that is the goal.
- Mind has to love and hate, and mind has to go continuously fighting between these two. If you don’t love and don’t hate, you go beyond mind. Where is the mind then? Within you, when choice disappears mind disappears. Even if you say, “I would like to be silent,” you will never be silent because you have a preference. This is the problem.
- No elijas! You choose, and you fall in the trap. Remain choiceless and let life flow in its totality. Half is not possible. That is the absurdity — that mind clings. It wants the half. You would like to be loved, you would not like to be hated — but lovers hate also. With love enters hate. And if the lover cannot hate, the lover cannot love. Love means coming together, hate means going away. It is a rhythm. You come together — a peak; then you go apart, then you move to your own individualities. This is what the hate moment means. This creates you again, it makes you ready again to come together. Life is a rhythm. It is just a centrifugal and centripetal rhythm. Everything falls apart and comes together, falls apart and comes together.
- Gurdjieff used to say that you are a house where nobody knows who the host is. Many people are there, everybody is a guest — but because nobody knows who the host is, everybody thinks he is the host. So whosoever becomes powerful in any moment plays the role of the host. When anger becomes powerful, anger becomes the host. When love becomes powerful, love becomes the host. When jealousy becomes powerful, jealousy becomes the host. But it is a constant fight, because many are the guests and everybody would like to be the host, the owner of the house. And nobody knows who the owner is. Either the owner has gone for a long journey and has not come back, or the owner is fast asleep. Your self is fast asleep. Hence the insistence of all Jesuses, Krishnas, Buddhas: “Despierto!” Jesus goes on using the word ‘awake’ many many times: “Despierto, watch, be alert.” Buddha goes on saying, “Become more conscious.” The meaning is one: that if you become aware the host will appear. And the MOMENT — and this is the beauty of it — the host appears, the guests disappear. The moment the master comes into being, the servants simply fall into line and they become servants. They don’t claim that they are the masters. So the real problem is not to fight with anger, celos, odio. The real problem is to bring the master, make him aware. Once he is aware everything is set right. But this awareness is possible only if you fall to the source. Mind is bound to remain divided, it cannot become one — the very nature of the mind is such.
- Si amas a una persona, you project things which are not there. If you hate a person, again you project things which are not there. In love the person becomes a god. In hate the person becomes a devil — and the person is neither god nor devil. The person is simply himself or herself. These devils and gods are projections. Si amas, you cannot see clearly. If you hate, you cannot see clearly. When there is no liking, sin disgusto, your eyes are clear, you have a clarity. Then you see the other as he is or as she is. And when you have a clarity of consciousness the whole existence reveals its reality to you. That reality is God, that reality is truth.
- When you are in love the person seems beautiful, no comparison. When you hate, the same person seems the ugliest, and you never become aware of how the same person can be the ugliest and the same person can be the most beautiful. When you are in love the same person is a flower, a rose, a rose garden with no thorns. When you dislike, when you hate, flowers disappear, there are only thorns, no more a garden — el más feo, the dirtiest, you would not like even to see. And you never become aware of what you are doing. How can roses disappear so soon, in a single minute? Not even a gap of a single minute is needed. This moment you are in love and the next moment you are in hate; the same person, the same screen, and the whole story changes. Just watch and you will be able to see that this person is not the point, you are projecting something. When you project love the person looks lovely, when you project hate the person looks ugly. The person is not; you have not seen the real person at all. You cannot see the reality through the eyes of the mind.
- Destruction is out of hate, creation is out of love.
- Jesus was betrayed only once, by one disciple. I have been betrayed continually for almost as much time as Jesus lived on the earth — thirty-three years. So many people I have trusted so totally have betrayed me so easily. There was a moment they were ready to die for me and just some small thing… if I was not fulfilling their expectation, which I have never agreed to fulfill, their love changes into great hate. The same person who was ready to die for me is ready to kill me. So I have learned it the hard way that if you love, it is your decision. If you hate, it is your decision. I am almost non-existent as far as my side is concerned: neither am I a partner in your love, nor am I going to be a partner in your hate. This is a sad lesson but it is good that I have learned it long before. If somebody assassinates me, at least I will not have any complaint, any grudge — because to love was his freedom, to hate is also his freedom. I am absolutely out of the relationship. I will go on doing whatever I feel is needed for the growth of your consciousness. But people have been going on, cambiando… such stupid expectations and if they are not fulfilled… it seems as if they have come to me to change me, to transform me. They want me to be according to their idea of how a master should be.
- La meditación es quizás la llave maestra para todos nuestros problemas. So rather than fighting with problems separately… which will take lives and still you will not be out of their grip. They will stand by the corner, waiting for their chance — y naturalmente, if they had to wait too long, they will take as much revenge as possible. La meditación no está haciendo nada directamente a tu violencia., no hacer nada a tus celos, a tu odio. Es simplemente traer luz a tu casa., y la oscuridad desaparece.
- Life is alive. The opposite is there, a rhythm is there. You move, you come back; you depart, you arrive; you disobey, then you obey also; you love and you hate. This is life, but not logic. Logic says if you love you cannot hate. Si amas, how can you be angry? If you love in this way then you love in a monotonous way, the same pitch. But then you will become tense, then it is impossible to relax. Logic believes in linear phenomena: in one line you move. Life believes in circles: the same line goes up, comes down, becomes a circle. You must have seen the Chinese circle of YIN and YANG. That is how life is: opposites meeting. That circle of YIN and YANG is half white, half black. In the white there is a black spot, and in the black there is a white spot. The white is moving into the black, and the black is moving into the white — es un circulo. The woman moving into the man, the man moving into the woman… this is life. And if you observe minutely, you will see it within you.