Citas de Osho sobre cómo compartir su trabajo y su mensaje

Citas de Osho sobre cómo compartir su trabajo y su mensaje

  1. Everyone of you should feel the sense of urgency, porque eres bendecido con la presencia de un maestro. Tienes la bendición de estar en sintonía con un místico.. In me you have seen Gautam Buddha, Jesus Christ, Zaratustra, Kabir, Farid. They are all one with me. You should feel the urgency, because what I am saying to you the whole world needsand needs it urgently. And don’t think that only I can spread the message. I can ignite you, I can make you aflame. Then go and shout from the housetops and spread the fire around the world. If you are touched by me, if you are thrilled and your heart has started dancing, then go with deep compassion for anyone who is ready to share your joy. Share it, spread it. Humanity needs it more than ever.
  2. This new man is the only hope for the whole world. We have to spread the message to every human being around the earth, “You are the buddha; just you have forgotten it.” Recordar, it is not something to be achieved, pero solo recordaba. Hence it is very easy and very obvious.
  3. I will use films, television, videotapes, tapes, every modern technique to spread the message.
  4. I don’t go anywhere; there is no need nowthat is out of date. I cannot reach many people by traveling, but now we have the media available. My word can go to the farthest corner of the earthit is reaching already. Books are also old ways of reaching people; their days are also over. New methods have been evolved. A videotape is a far better way to reach people because they can hear me the same way as you are hearing me.
  5. repito: we are determined to spread the message to all nooks and corners of the world, to every intelligent person who can understand. Except this, there is no way to save this beautiful planet.
  6. No sigas contando las ovejas de los demás. Entra! No sigas leyendo las escrituras. Entra! No sigas escuchando a los demás.’ palabras. comparte el camino! Si te encuentras con un buda eres afortunado. Si te enamoras de un buda eres bendecido. No sigas escuchando sus palabras. sigue el camino, compartir el camino! Mira a donde apunta, no empieces a adorar su dedo. Look at the moon!
  7. The master is alivebut the disciple can take him for granted. You can take me for granted. Then those words are already dead, because your aliveness is not available. If you are capable of being alert, vivo, responsive, no hace ninguna diferencia: the master may be dead, but his words will go on resounding in you. Even the written words, which are dead, can become alive in you; you just have to open your heart. The question is not of the master’s life and death, the question basically is of your response. So don’t be worried about when I am gone. Those who are missing me now will be missing me then toono loss. Those who are living my message now, they will go on living it. And if they go on living it, they cannot help but spread it. I am not depending on booksall the religions have depended on booksI am depending on you!
  8. The so-called servants of humanity have proved more mischievous than anybody else. They have been the cause of much misery, for the simple reason that nobody told them you cannot give to others what you yourself have not got in the first place. If you want to share love you have to be full of love. If you want to share bliss you have to be overflowing with bliss. If you want people to move towards god you have to be radiating god. Just words won’t help, even acts won’t help, because they will be just superficial.
  9. It seems we are living in a very insane world. At least bring yourself to sanityand there is only one sanity, that arises with your awarenessand spread it wide around the world. Perhaps this small commune of seven thousand people here can still save the world, because you come from all over the world. Just understand the responsibility of the time. If you can become a messagebut never a missionary, that is an ugly and dirty word. Become a message; your very being should radiate your meditation, your silence should touch people’s hearts like a cool breeze.
  10. I want you not to become missionaries, I want you to become messages. And that is possible only if you are utterly selfish, so that before you start helping others, you have helped yourself; before you start enlightening other people, you are enlightened yourself. That’s what I mean by being selfish. Whatever you want to spread must be your living experience.
  11. Meditation is the key. Egolessness is the key, and love is the only plan to spread it all over the earth. I am also counting on you, on your love, on your trust, on your courage. I am also giving you the key. Don’t use it only for yourselfuse it first for yourself, then spread the message; because everybody is imprisoned in a rock and everybody needs to be released.
  12. We have to make this whole earth aflame with a new passionthe passion of your innermost beingwith a new fire which only burns the false and brings out the pure gold. Mankind has forgotten the language of being a buddha. We have to spread the message to the furthest corners of the earth.
  13. Live love and spread love. That’s my message to the sannyasins.
  14. I am saying that you have to be joyful even when the whole world is in misery. By being joyful you can help other people to come out of their misery. By being joyful you can become an example. The world needs a few joyful people, a few dancing energies, so that others can feel that there is a possibility. Death is not the only way to live. One can live tremendously alive also. Hence I am creating these sannyasins. Hence I am giving you sannyas. This is just to make you a joyful example. So wherever you go, let this message be spreadthat man need not be misera-ble, that joy is our birthright. If we don’t claim it, nobody else is responsible except ourselves. It has to be claimed. By creating sannyasins I am hoping to create a few dancing people. Through their dance, their festivity, their joy and their feasting, they will celebrate God on earth.
  15. Difunde esta experiencia a todos aquellos que andan a tientas en la oscuridad.. Pero nunca seas misionero; solo sé un mensaje … cariñoso, compasivo. Let your whole body, your actions, make them aware that something immensely valuable has happened within you; that you are carrying a flame, that you are carrying a fragrance, that your eyes have become as blue and as vast and as deep as the sky itself. This I callto be a message.Except becoming a buddha, there is no way to convey what you are experiencing.
  16. Celebration is going to be the virtue. The non-celebrating person will be the sinner. So help people to become more celebrating. That is the message of sannyasspread it!
  17. Go as my messenger, spread whatsoever you have tasted here to as many people as possible, and you will see: the more you spread the message, the more deep-rooted you will become in it. You will not lose contact; don’t be worried at all. I will be coming with you, following you. You will find me always very close to you.
  18. These so-called prophets are suffering from all kinds of mental sicknesses; they are epileptic, neurótico, psychotic and schizophrenic. They are not worth discussing at all. These priests all around the world are holding the whole of humanity in their clutches. They are vultures, not human beings. This is your work: to spread the message of freedom, of individuality of a religiousness which is a quality, and not to be a member of any organized religion. It is purely an individual affair, just as love is. It is the greatest and highest and the purest love with existence. You have fallen in love with a woman, this is a small matter. You have fallen in love with a man, this is a small matter. Once you fall in love with existence itself, with life itself, then it is the great matter. Zen masters call it The Great Matter.
  19. This is how bad people put right people out of circulation. They are not bothered about whether something is cheap; they simply go on shouting loudly. And of course when somebody shouts loudly, people hear. When somebody shouts so loudly and with such confidence, people are caught in it. Don’t be afraid. Just by your being afraid you cannot take the wrong things off the market. The only way to put them out is to bring the right thing. And if you have the right thing, then shout from the roof tops. Don’t be bothered; shout as loudly as you can. That is the only way that things move in the world.
  20. I am against any kind of organization because every organization has proved an enemy of truth, a murderer of love. I trust in the individual. Each and every sannyasin, solo, is my medium. Each and every sannyasin is connected to me directly. There is no organization between me and you. There is no priesthood between me and you. So the more empty you become, the more you will be able to receive my vibrations, my heartbeat, my song, the more you will be able to dance in tune with meand that is the only right way to spread the message. Because the message is not of language; the message is of being, of experience. We cannot create catechisms, principles, ten commandments, five mahabritaswe cannot do that. I can only do one thing: to help you to be empty, so that you can radiate me as totally as possible. And no religion in the past has ever tried to spread its message by word of mouth, individual to individual. They have all been dependent on organizations, churches. And all those churches and organizations have betrayed them, because those churches and organizations, tarde o temprano, start having their own interests. Then the real message is put aside. I want my message to remain from individual to individualpure and simple, immediate, without any mediators.
  21. People are hankering for something, not knowing what. People are finished with this so-called life, frustrated, ready to take a jump into something unknown, unlived yet. The market is ready for people to exploit, and there are many merchants from the East. They may be called Maharishis, that makes no difference. Many merchants, salesmen, are moving in the West. They are just there for the money. With a real Master, you have to come to him, you have to seek him, you have to find him, you have to make efforts. A real Master cannot go to the West because just by going the whole point will be lost; the West has to come to him. And it will be easier for Western people to come to the East to learn the inner discipline, the awakening, and then go to the West and spread the new milieu. It will be easier for Western people to learn in the East, to be here in the atmosphere of a spiritual Master, and then carry back the messagebecause you will not be materialist if you go and spread the news in the West. You will not be materialist because you have been enough, has terminado con eso.