Osho – Un maestro no puede darte la emancipación, pero él puede llevarte al borde mismo. Él no puede darte la emancipación.; eso lo tienes que lograr tu, porque una cosa dada por alguien puede ser tomada por otro. Solo lo que es tuyo puede ser tuyo. Un maestro no puede darte, solo puede bendecirte — pero su bendición es un fenómeno vital. A través de él puedes mirar hacia tu propio futuro..
A través de él puedes ser consciente de tu propio destino.. A través de él, los picos más lejanos se acercan, closer. A través de él empiezas a subir, como una semilla que intenta brotar hacia el cielo. Su bendición puede regar tu semilla.
En el este, la bendición del maestro es muy muy significativa. The West has remained completely unaware of the phenomenon. The West knows teachers, not masters. Teachers are those who teach you about truth. A master is one who gives you the taste of it. A teacher may be someone who does not know himself, he may have learned from other teachers. Seek a master. Teachers are many, masters are few.
And how will you seek a master? Just move. Whenever you hear a rumor that somebody has become enlightened, go and remain available. Don’t be much of a thinker, be more of a lover — because a master is found through feeling. A teacher is found through thinking: listen to the teacher, his logical appeal will be there, his arguments. Eat the master, drink the master. Listening won’t help because he is a living phenomenon; the energy is there. If you drink and eat him, then only you will become aware of a different quality of being.
A great receptivity is needed, a great feminine receptivity is needed to find the master. And if you are available and a living master is there, suddenly something clicks. There is nothing to do on your part — you simply be there. It is such a vital energy phenomenon that if you are available something simply clicks, you are caught. It is a love phenomenon. You cannot prove to anybody else, “I have found the master.” There is no proof. Don’t try that because anybody can bring proof against it. You have found it and you know it; you have tasted and you know it. This knowledge is of the heart, of the feeling.
Fuente – Libro de Osho “Tantra: The Supreme Understanding”