Citas de Osho sobre la meditación, La meditación no es acción sino un estado de silencio.

Citas de Osho sobre la meditación

  1. It does not matter that you have become a sannyasin; no cambiará nada a menos que tu sannyas desencadene una meditación en ti.
  2. La religión tiene que convertirse en algo como el latido de tu corazón. La meditación tiene que convertirse en algo como tu respiración.. Lo que sea que estés haciendo, estas respirando; no es una acción separada. y solo entonces te saturas, en cada fibra de tu ser, con meditación.
  3. Si entiendes la meditación, entonces eso es suficiente.: sentarse en silencio en cualquier lugar donde pueda caer en la meditación. La meditación no es acción sino un estado de silencio., un estado de inacción cuando todo se detiene: Citas de Osho sobre la noche oscura del alma, todo movimiento desaparece, estas en total descanso. Y esos son los momentos en los que sabes que eres inmortal, que solo el cuerpo morirá; no vas a morir. Entonces todo miedo desaparece porque todo miedo tiene sus raíces en la muerte.. Y no tener miedo es lo más fundamental para vivir la vida con alegría..
  4. Aprende a ser más meditativo, y deja que tu creatividad sea secundaria a tu meditación. Entonces tendrás un estado de ser totalmente diferente — la del éxtasis; y fuera del éxtasis, todo lo que se crea tiene también algún sabor.
  5. Not by renouncing action but by acting in such awareness, in such deep meditativeness, one becomes free of action and its binding effects.
  6. Sex is man’s greatest bondage. You have to make every effort for meditativeness, so that all your sexual energy, instead of moving downwards, starts moving upwards. Instead of finding a beautiful woman, start creating a beautiful man within you. Rather than finding a graceful woman, your energy can make you graceful.
  7. This is one of the greatest experiences of lifethat anything that is not right starts melting before your alertness. Your alertness, tu conciencia, your meditativeness functions almost like sun rays for dewdrops: all that is false evaporates. You need not decide what is right and wrong; the wrong disappears of its own accord, and what is left is right.
  8. el muro entre tú y el océano desaparece. el muro entre tú y el océano desaparece; el muro entre tú y el océano desaparece. el muro entre tú y el océano desaparece; el muro entre tú y el océano desaparece. el muro entre tú y el océano desaparece. It has nothing to do with knowledge, it has something to do with meditativeness. An intelligent person does not function out of his past experience; he functions in the present. He does not react, he responds. Hence he is always unpredictable; one can never be certain what he is going to do.
  9. I don’t prescribe any rules for my sannyasins. I don’t give you a character from the outside, but I give you something far more valuable: I give you meditativeness, out of which a character arises which is your own, out of which you start living a life full of insight. Then you know what is right and what is wrong and you live accordingly, but not according to Krishna or Manu or Rama. They may have been rightthat was THEIR intuitionbut to live according to any prescribed rule is to live the life of a slave. And I am against slavery.
  10. The East has created great geniuses, but we are still living in the bullock cart age because our geniuses simply meditated. Their meditation never came into action. If they had meditated for a few hours and used their silence and peace and meditativeness for scientific research, this country would have been the richest in the worldouter and inner, ambos.
  11. Jesús dice, “Truth liberates.But how to attain to truth? It is not a question of belief, sino una cuestión de meditación. y que es la meditacion? La meditación es vaciar tu mente por completo de toda creencia., ideología, concepto, pensamiento. Solo en una mente vacía, cuando no queda polvo en el espejo, la verdad refleja. Ese reflejo es una bendición..
  12. Just as you deepen your meditativeness, your awareness becomes more and more crystal-clear, your life starts becoming more moral. Not according to any scripture, because they are all old and dead, and the situation in which they were written does not exist anymore. A moral person, according to me, is one who is capable of responding to the real situation directly, not according to any principle.
  13. Drop all effort and you will be full of meditativeness.And meditativeness cannot be anything other than love. When you are full of meditativeness, it means you are at the very center of your being. The experiencing of the very center of your being starts blossoming into love, into laughter, into a song, into a dance.
  14. The world is not the problem, the problem is your unawareness. Renounce your unawareness, don’t be bothered with the world. What can the world do to you? You can live in a palace, the palace cannot prevent your enlightenment. You can live in absolute poverty, poverty cannot help your enlightenment. In poverty or in richness, in a poor man’s hut or in a palace, the basic thing is your meditativeness, tu conciencia. Wherever it happens, you will become enlightened. You don’t have to renounce anything.
  15. Si tu vida fuera de meditación, conciencia, presenciar, entonces tú también podrás presenciar la muerte. Si toda tu vida permanecieras tranquilo, centrado en diferentes situaciones, La muerte te dará el último desafío., la prueba definitiva. Y si puedes permanecer centrado, tranquilo y fresco y mirando, entonces no morirás de una muerte inconsciente, Tu muerte te llevará a la cima máxima de la conciencia.. Y luego, ciertamente, TIENE que ser celebrado.
  16. Be intelligent! But to be intelligent needs great changes in your life, in your life patterns. Intelligence is a by-product of meditativeness. If you become silent, if you become innocent, then you will be intelligent. Intelligence means responding to the situation immediately, without any preparation, without the past, without any rehearsaljust responding as a mirror reflects immediately whatsoever confronts it.
  17. My religion consists only of one word: meditación. It has no prayer, because there is nobody to whom you can pray. You are here, a reality. Why not go in and find out from where your life comes, the source of your life? the source of your intelligence? the source of your love? Go deep inside, and you will be surprised that hate, enfado, jealousy all exist only on the periphery. In the innermost center of your being there is only love and love and love. And it blossoms the moment you reach there, and spreads all over your periphery.
  18. Sannyas makes you alone; not lonely, but alone; not solitary, but it gives you a solitude. You can be happy alone, you are no longer dependent on others. You can sit alone in your room and you can be utterly happy. There is no need to go to a club, there is no need to always have friends around you, there is no need to go to a movie. You can close your eyes and you can fall into inner blissfulness: that’s what meditativeness is all about.