yo estaba inconsciente

yo estaba inconsciente

  1. El modo de vivir inconscientemente es llamado por Buda el camino oscuro.. Y la forma de vivir conscientemente, atentamente, momento a momento, llevando tu conciencia a cada acto, cada pequeño acto, cada detalle, es el camino de la luz.
  2. From birth to death you go on living, groping in darkness with no lightand you could have created the light. You cannot find it in the scriptures; nobody can hand it to you. It is not purchased or sold; it is nontransferable. But you can create ityou can put all your energies together. You can start living consciously from this very moment.
  3. If you are living in an unconscious way it makes no difference whether you live to seventy, eighty, ninety, a hundred; no importa. Living consciously even for a single moment is enough.
  4. A stupid person behaves mechanically: an intelligent person behaves consciously.
  5. Consciousness means living with a witness; unconsciousness means living without a witness. When you are walking on the road, you can walk consciouslythat’s what Buddha says one should do — estas alerta, deep down you are aware that you are walking; you are conscious of each movement. You are conscious of the birds singing in the trees, the early morning sun coming through the trees, the rays touching you, the warmth, the fresh air, the fragrance of newly opening flowers. A dog starts barking, a train passes by, you are breathingyou are watching everything. You are not excluding anything out of your alertness; you are taking everything in. The breath goes in, the breath goes outyou are watching everything that is happening.
  6. This life that you are living is sorrow, but this is not the only life. This is the life you have chosen. You can live another kind of life: Buddha lived it, I am living it, you can live it. You can live in a totally different way: you can live desirelessly, you can live meditatively, you can live with choiceless awareness. You can live so centered and rooted in your being that no sorrow can remain. No sadness, sin miseria, no death remains possible; they all disappear. As you become full of light, your life goes through a transformation. This is not the right kind of life that you are living.
  7. If you are living your life consciously, alertly, not repressing, not being against your body, you will have a tremendous silence. In your night there will be no disturbanceno dreams, just silent sleep. And in your day you will have a very cool feeling surrounding you — sin pensamientos, no traffic of thoughts which keeps your head hot the whole day.
  8. A menos que te vuelvas alerta y consciente en la vida., a menos que cambie la calidad de su vida, no vas a morir conscientemente. Y solo una muerte consciente puede llevarte a un nacimiento consciente; y entonces una vida mucho más consciente abre sus puertas.
  9. Es a través de la decisión que nace el alma.. Si existes accidentalmente, como madera a la deriva, vives sin alma; tu vida no es mucho de una vida. es pseudo, it is lukewarm; no tiene intensidad; no tiene llama; no tiene luz. No puedes experimentar la verdad.. Viviendo accidentalmente, saber la verdad es imposible. Uno tiene que ser tan decidido, tan comprometido, tan conscientemente involucrado con la vida, tan intensamente aventurero, que todo está en juego en cada momento. One has to be creative — no solo se despliega, pero creativo.
  10. Sannyas is the beginning of the day, sannyas is the dawn. Let the night disappear, no te aferres a eso. Become more alert so that the night cannot take possession of you again. Night means unawareness, day means awareness. Night means living a life mechanically, day means living a life with awareness, conscientemente.
  11. If you are centered, nothing can be destroyed. No fire can destroy your centering. Not even death is capable of distracting you. And this centering is possible only if you start living each moment meditatively, completamente alerta, consciente. Don’t move like an automaton. Don’t react like a mechanism. Become conscious. Collect yourself more and more so that a crystallized consiousness continuously illuminates your inner being, a flame goes on burning there and it lights wherever you move. The path, the way, hagas lo que hagas, it lights it.
  12. El cielo no está en otro lugar: es una forma de vivir. también lo es el infierno — un estilo de vida. El infierno es vivir inconscientemente; el cielo es vivir conscientemente. El infierno es tu propia creación., así es el cielo. Si sigues viviendo inconscientemente, a través de tus deseos inconscientes, instintos, motivos — de la que no eres el amo sino sólo la víctima — entonces creas un infierno a tu alrededor. Pero si empiezas a vivir una vida consciente, una vida de traer más y más luz a lo profundo, rincones oscuros de tu ser, si empiezas a vivir lleno de luz, tu vida es éxtasis momento a momento.
  13. Be skillful and live life consciously. Otherwise life becomes boring. You feel it. You know how it feels. Sooner or later everything feels boring; one is bored to death. One goes on living because one is not courageous enough to commit suicide. One goes on living just in the hope that sooner or later one will diethe death is coming.
  14. Spirituality is not other-worldliness. Spirituality is a way of living in this world meditatively, totally, blissfully. It is not against this world; in fact it enhances this world, enriches this world, it makes this world more beautiful, more blissful. But religions up to now have done just the opposite. They have made this earth a hell. I hold the so-called religions absolutely, categorically responsible for the misery that exists in the world.
  15. I am teaching everybody to enjoy the moment, and don’t be bothered by tomorrow. Living in the moment intelligently, conscientemente, meditativamente, will take care of the future. There is no need for me to give you directives, guidelines for what you have to do when I am gone. That’s what all the old religions have done.
  16. Before death comes you will become unconscious, so you will miss the experience of death. The people who are living consciouslyand that is my basic teaching, live consciously every moment. Even while making love, remain conscious and a witness. It is a lifelong growth if becoming alert. Then you can die consciously and you can experience death as the ultimate orgasm. It is far bigger than any sexual orgasm. De hecho, the difference is not only of quantity, the difference is of quality. It is immeasurable. Living moment to moment, one learns how to die. hermosamente, silenciosamente, alegremente.
  17. It is not my belief ‘that man should live more meditatively’, it is my understanding that man can live only in meditationotherwise there is no life. Meditation is life. Not to be in meditation is not to live. Then you only pretend that you are living; then your life is just a mask. It has no authenticity in it, it has no depth; it is just the surface, the facade.
  18. If you live consciously, if you try to bring consciousness to every act that you go through, you will be living in a silent, blissful state, in serenity, in joy, enamorado. Your life will have the flavour of a festival. That is the meaning of heaven: your life will have many flowers in it, much fragrance will be released through you. You will have an aura of delight. Your life will be a song of life-affirmation, it will be a sacred yes to all that existence is. You will be in communion with existencein communion with stars, con los arboles, with the rivers, con las montañas, with people, with animals. This whole life and this whole existence will have a totally different meaning for you. From every nook and corner, rivers of bliss will be flowing towards you. Heaven is just a name for that state of mind. Hell means you are living so unconsciously, so absurdly, in such contradiction, that you go on creating more and more misery for yourself.
  19. I teach you to be expressive and to accept all your nature with prideit is your inheritance from nature. Living naturally without inhibition, things like rape will disappear. Living silently and meditatively, violence is not possible. Compassion will be just a natural phenomenon.
  20. If you know the art of livingand that’s what I call religion — real, authentic religionthe art of living. If you know the art of livingand it consists of small things, not of big, great commandmentsvery small thingsjust sipping your tea joyfully, meditativamente, tasting each sip as if this is the last sip. Perhaps you may not be able again to hold the cup in your handsthere is no guarantee.
  21. In short: to live means to live in God — conscientemente, totally. And those who are not living that way, they are dead. They are WORSE than dead! because they THINK they live, and they are not alive. They are not yet even born. They are only seeds, potential but not actual. A Jesus has to happen to them, a Master has to happen to them, only then will they fall in the soil. A gardener is neededonly then will the seed die and be born as a tree. And then there will be great rejoicing, great flowering, and great fulfillment, great fruition.