Citas y refranes de Osho

Citas y refranes de Osho

  1. Unless you become aware, los pensamientos continuarán.
  2. Cuanto más bien organizada está una religión, menor es la posibilidad de que sea una religión.
  3. Cuando la alegría está dentro del corazón, cuando el silencio está dentro, la paz te rodea, grace surrounds you, God surrounds you….
  4. Amar is not for some invisible God. Love is for the visible — esta lucha hacia lo desconocido, animales, árboles, océanos, montañas. Spread your wings of love as far and wide as you can.
  5. Every moment is full of danger and full of ecstasy. If you can use it for awareness and watchfulness, it becomes a great ecstasy, the juiciest experience of life. But if you are not aware, some moment, some day, you are going to die
  6. Siendo respetado por idiotas tienes que comportarte de acuerdo a sus modales, their expectations. Para ser respetado por esta humanidad enferma hay que estar más enfermo que ellos. Entonces te respetarán. Pero que vas a ganar? Perderás tu alma y no ganarás nada.
  7. Sannyas no es renuncia, es una forma de vivir la vida en su totalidad e intensidad. Es el arte de vivir la vida en todas sus dimensiones., es la manera de vivir la vida en toda su riqueza. No es la vieja idea de sannyas.. No estoy creando monjes y monjas. — no, not at all. Estoy creando personas vivas, vibrant, pulsating, gente entusiasta, joven y fresco, listo para emprender cualquier aventura en busca de la verdad, en busca del amor, en busca de dios.
  8. Everybody is really lost. Very few people have reached their home. But your pilgrimage of finding your home should not be serious and sad and heavy; it should be of laughter and song and dance. If you can find your home dancing, laughing, it is true finding. By sadness and seriousness you are bound to find some graveyard, not your home. We need people who are seekers but not serious. That kind of seeking, serious and sad, has not led man anywhere.
  9. Always remember that peace is not the goal. The goal is ecstasy. Unless you can dance, unless you can abandon yourself in dance, unless your dance can become a deep orgasm, unless you can bloom, don’t stop yourself somewhere in the middle of the journey.
  10. There is only one statement in the whole Holy Bible which I am not against. The statement is, “God can forgive everything, but not despair.Whoever wrote it must have been a man of immense understanding. God cannot forgive only one thing, and that is despair. But everybody is living in despairGod or no God, despair is a reality. It is self-destruction. If you love your child, you will make him rejoice, laugh, disfrutar, baile. But just the opposite is being done.
  11. I am trying to remind you that when you are full of blessings inside, all your questions will disappearnot answered, desaparecer; dissolved, not solved. And being in that state of no questioning, no doubting, no belief but utterly fulfilled, contento, knowing happens.
  12. I am not against anyone in the whole world, for the simple reason that I have no vested interest in anything at all, not even in my own life. My purpose is fulfilled. If I die this very moment, there will be no complaint, because I will not be leaving anything incomplete. Enmity arises when somebody hinders you in your ambition. But I don’t have any ambition.