Citas y refranes de Osho One Liner
- Amor es vida, Dios es amor, el amor es sannyas!
- El amor te hace consciente de algo que no puede ser conocido por el intelecto.; te pone a disposición de la presencia de Dios.
- Learn to become more of a witness, create more watchfulness. Let each act, cada pensamiento, be seen.
- To remain absolutely free is what a true and authentic life is. So never gather any character — remain characterless.
- Concentration is not the approach towards God. Concentration is a mind approach. God is everywhere, so you have to relax, you have to be meditative.
- Love is the fire in which everything is reduced to ashes. Only God will be saved. Only God cannot burn.
- Come, probar la comida, y aún recuerda que eres el observador.
- Be yourself, look within yourself, and in that very seeing, el ego desaparece.
- Truth brings bliss, truth brings celebration.
- A sannyasin has to relax to that total state of let-go when everything happens and nothing is done.
- La mente está continuamente dando vueltas. nunca se sienta, no puede sentarse. Sentarse parece ser la muerte para él., y en cierto modo lo es.
- Wisdom is a very relaxed state of being. Wisdom is not knowledge, not information; wisdom is your inner being awake, alerta, vigilante, presenciar, lleno de luz.
- nacer como un brote! Morir al ego, morir a tu pasado, y serás resucitado. Esa resurrección te hará ir más allá de la muerte., más allá del tiempo, más allá de la miseria.
- Religion is consciousness-raising. It raises you higher than the problem, it gives you a bird’s-eye view.
- Only a fulfilled heart can pray, because only a fulfilled heart can be grateful and can feel the grace descending.
- We have to change this whole earth into a tremendous festival, and it is possible because man brings all that is needed to transform this earth into a paradise.
gracias…for sharing.
fine and fine
thnk you……!!!!!!11
I like all these beautiful quotes