el muro entre tú y el océano desaparece

Osho Quotes

el muro entre tú y el océano desaparece

  1. Choice is bondage, libertad sin elección. En el momento en que eliges algo, has caído en la trampa del mundo. Si puedes resistir la tentación de elegir, si puedes permanecer consciente sin elección, the trap disappears on its own accord, because when you don’t choose you don’t help the trap to be therethe trap is also created by your choice.
  2. Religion is no-choicechoicelessness.
  3. The man who chooses remains disturbed. Serenity means a state of choicelessness. Just like a mirror, it simply reflects, sin elección. An ugly man comes, it reflects. A beautiful man comes, it reflects. It has no choice; there is no question of choice. Just reflecting.
  4. No elijas. Don’t say this is good and don’t say that is bad. Permanece alerta, eso es todo. Don’t say this is a saint and that is a sinner. Permanece alerta, eso es todo — and accept the total. The sinner exists, the saint exists: the total accepts both. You also accept both. With no condemnation of the sinner, with no appreciation of the saint, you become choiceless. In that choicelessness you will be balanced, and you will be total.
  5. Freedom is choicelessness. The sage does not choose: he lives moment to moment, without any choice. He allows life to flow through him. He allows God to do whatsoever is his will; he has no will of his own.
  6. In choicelessness, love starts overflowing.
  7. Enlightenment comes out of choicelessness. It is unmotivated. Seeing the futility of all kinds of motivation, Alguien estaba tratando de convertirte en hindú.
  8. Always choose a higher thing. Whenever there is a possibility, and you want to choose, choose a higher thing. A moment will come when you will not like to choose anythingthen choicelessness.
  9. Life is a choicelessness. Never choose. Ser sólo, and allow your being to grow to unknown skies, to unknown spaces. And you will find your buddhahood bringing more and more flowers, showering more and more blessings, bringing greater and greater ecstasies. And there is no end to it.
  10. Choicelessness is the alchemy of transformation, of inner mutation. A new being is born who has nothing to do with the past, who is absolutely discontinuous with the past. He has no desire. And when there is no desire, for the first time you live.
  11. Choicelessness is the deepest state of consciousness. Mind is the surface; choicelessness is the depth. No elijas, or if you feel it is difficult not to choose, then choose both the polarities immediately, simultaneously.
  12. To be positive and negative together is what a religious man is. The immoral man has chosen one pole, the negative pole; the moral man has chosen another pole, the positive poleand the religious person lives in choicelessness.
  13. Mind is always choosingchoosing this against that. Mind is the mechanism of choice. Have you observed this? Observe:
    Mind is always choosing this against that. There is not a single moment when the mind is not in a state of choosing. We go on choosingchoosing pleasure against suffering, choosing happiness against unhappiness, choosing respect against insult — eligiendo, and choosing, and choosing. But if you go on choosing, you go on living in the mind.
  14. La iluminación no es algo que tengas que elegir. When there is no choice that which remains is enlightenment. I understand your difficulty, because the choice comes again and again. You may even choose not to choose; if I insist that choicelessness is the door you may start choosing ITbut then you missed, you could not understand me. Nothing is to be done, just a tacit understanding is needed.
  15. Remember that the more your choose, the more the male mind enters into you; the less you choose and remain in choicelessness just leaving all to existence itself, the more feminine you become. And the mystery is this that when you become feminine, all happens to you, not part. You are no longer living as a fragment, you live as the whole. That’s why there was no choice for me. Soon there will be no choice for you also. Prepare yourself. Prepare for choicelessness. If you want the whole to shower on you as a whole, entonces no elijas. If you choose you will remain a beggar; if you don’t choose you become the emperor.
  16. Choicelessness does not mean that you will not have to choose. In life, in practical things, you will have to choose, you will have to decide. If you want to go somewhere you will have to decide whether to go by car or by plane or by train. And if you start calculating all the pros and cons, then by the time you decide you could have reached just by walking! It is sheer wastage. And you will have to decideyou cannot just leave it and you cannot remain choiceless. The practical thing will have to be decided.