Swami Rajneesh:
“ with the blessings of our beloved master osho “
osho co-owned commune
we have acquired 45 acres forest land with river
in south goa india
to create an oasis of love
for meditation and inner science of transformation
we are creating zen gardens and waterfalls
for silence stillness and meditativeness
and offering a free compassionate space
for growth of awareness and flowering of osho vision
10 acres – 40 resident cottages
4 acres – 40 room guesthouse
4 acres – buddha hall & waterfalls
management space / welcome center
2 acres – mystery school / therapies / group / training halls
4 acres – massage & wholeness spa / swimming pool
5 acres – arts & crafts village
2 acres – martial art school
4 acres – farming & herbal nursery
2 acres – kitchens & bakery
medical center / banking / internet / travel desk / laundry
osho boutique / osho book shop
4 acres – forest sitting / walkways / running track
4 acres – silence zone
“ sangham sharanam gachchhami “
a free space for all osho sannyasins and lovers
freedom of expression of meditativeness and inner experiences
will encourage and give wings to sannyasins
to share and express their love on the path of awakening
sannyasins and their inner growth come first
we will strengthen sannyasins freedom of expression
encourage and explore the values of freedom and growth
for all osho sannyasins and all seekers of truth on the path
a space to accept each other and bring people together
to celebrate and create a buddhafield
in a loving spirit of togetherness and oneness
we accept all sannyasins
and their meditativeness and spiritual expressions
compassion in action is real human growth
to accept each individual as they are
without any rejection or judgment
we accept all spiritual beings and masters of different paths
and offer them a loving humane space
for expression of their being and their realisation
no one can be banned from entering the osho cocom
entry to osho cocom will be free for all with love and openness
food at the osho cocom will be offered at affordable prices
freedom of the individual comes first
we will accept the value of the majority of one
freedom is of the highest value
and cannot be sacrificed for any group or organization
we will create the silent circle of friends
where compassion and wisdom of silent sincere sannyasins
will act as gentle guides
spreading osho…not selling osho !!
earning through creativity and not through therapies
the osho cocom will earn through
selling creative art sculpture and handicrafts
from the arts village the music lab and health food division
and not by selling osho therapies or meditations
which will be offered freely out of love
sannyasins loving donations
for spreading his vision will be welcomed
all donations and funds collected will be used wisely
for creating new osho cocoms and growth of sannyasins
and for spreading osho vision to the world
we are creating an inner science mystery school
where all osho therapies are offered totally free
the osho cocom will offer all osho groups and therapies
and all osho meditations for free
osho mystic rose
osho born again
osho no mind
osho hypnosis
osho self hypnosis
osho painting group
osho breath
osho prana healing
osho primal
osho tantra
path of love
men’s liberation
women’s liberation
osho work as meditation
osho talking to your body mind
osho cocom will offer for free
all osho therapists and group leader training
osho bodywork and massage training courses
and other osho inner science training courses
offer various core osho methods of meditation
and transformative meditation techniques free
offer osho vision through his daily discourses
offering osho sannyas celebration / sannyas name & mala
understanding sannyas as a way of life and living in the world
with meditativeness and awareness
create osho festivals / carnivals and celebration events
expressions of the heart and kirtan dance celebrations
meditativeness in work as a meditation
understanding meditative work in the marketplace
with a massage training center
offer ayurveda massage and yoga and other healing therapies
osho wholeness spa
meandering swimming pools
sauna and steam
ayurvedic massage with kerala spa & yoga center
thai balinese massage spa
shiatsu acupuncture reflexology reiki aromatherapy
swedish massage deep tissue rebalancing craniosacral
creative arts center
where arts crafts and creativity are offered
music dance singing painting sculpture calligraphy
creative crafts village
where various crafts are offered
ceramic pottery wood bamboo crafts
all creative projects and works produced
will be sold or auctioned for creating wealth for the osho cocom
where various body awareness techniques
taichi kungfu judo aikido jujitsu
are available for learning and training
music recording studio
to create music for meditation
and to offer space for sannyasins to create music
and support marketing to the world at large
to understand food diet and health
and grow formulate and distribute health foods
a herb and plant nursery
experimenting with nature and learning to understand plants and herbs
and various health and healing secrets
we will offer all osho video audio discourses
all osho photo and osho art and signature library free
osho ebooks meditation music osho songs
for worldwide free distribution
all you will need is your hard drive to download freely
45 acres in a forest location with river in south goa india
15 kms from agonda beach 10 kms from canacona
30 kms from margoa 55 kms from vasco da gama airport
7 kms from national highway NH17
we have space for 40 meditation cottages
to be built on 14 acres of the cocom
the cottage structures will be owned by individual residents
and built for them at cost price
the land will be be owned by the osho cocom
cottage structures can be transferred / sold to other sannyasins
those who wish to become residents of the osho cocom
for details please email and contact ma soma at
[email protected]
or email to
[email protected]
more osho cocom details soon will be available at
Congratulation friend for this beautifully creation. Thanks full to you that you have been give new chance for osho lover for enjoying and meditate. I want to know more about your project. I want to be a part of your beautiful caravan. Please inform me more about this commune and tell me what I can do.
Lots of love
Rashnunaveen @gmail.com
it looks like u all people who r behind this whole project r completing my dream. i was allways dream about such kind of commune. and it is beyond my imagination….too good. thanx 2 all the snyassins to creat such a meditative place….special thanx to rajneesh and to ma meera bhudda from germany who told me about this commune. i want to visit the commune and to stay there and share my energy to that commune.tell me the whole procedure……is there any kind of booking. and tell me about the detail of cottage system.thankx 2 all of u once again. u all r really making dream come true of our MASTER OSHO.
this is very nice and beautiful opportunity to all osho lovers and sanyasins to live together and making the world one…thank you swami rajnish…saral..09426356294-ahmedabad.
Congratulation for creating such a beautiful meditative dreaming project.I dreaming to create
this type of meditation spot but when i read all
i feel very happy
Please inform me more about the commune also interested in cottages. costing of cottages .
sw. Dhyan rakendra
[email protected]
Dear Friend
Please check http://www.oshococom.com for more information about Osho Cocom.
There was vague perception and diaphanous sensibility about the greatest MASTER to have left us in an empty void. I can’t speak of my beloved Master Osho to have left even, for I was not given the glimpse. Even though there has always been a twinkle which I at some corner of my being have always realised that it will be encountered with….and really the herald of our Master Osho came to be advnent in 2007 and since then the Lion’s roar continues to let every seeker feel it. Osho CoCom is not just an Ashram but something exclusive and rare happening on earth forcing the fact that this is it. It cant be negated. i know always with me My BHAGWAN: OSHO RAJNEESH
swamirajneesh ji ko prnam .osho.ki kirpya se or sanyasio ke liye ek eshi sundar bebatha ki suruat ho rahi jiske liye swami rajnees ji ke shat aap savi mitro ko bohut 2 suvkamnae.deyan ke liye or bebastha me hum savi sahyogi bane..we love swamiji………….your anil
Dear Osho lover
this is one of the best thing happened and one more chance to be together, great effort been made and blessings of osho are always there with us, to actively expand his work and give the message to the world for his teaching
All the good luck !
Sw Jeevan Atithi
I am so lucky that i am in Goa and we have our space coming up here this is one of the best thing and another chance to be together
All the best
Cheers and O >:D:D<
sw.antar rashnu how are you my friend – i feel that you are around in goa
my email id is [email protected] and the same in facebook
pls send me a mail / contact me with the address of the cocom – i wish to see this place
presently i am in Goa
Dearest friends,
if you need helping hands, just let me know. I am a gardener – spezialised on building the most beautiful and natural waterfalls.
Amar, Satdeva
Pl. send ur Goa cummune Add in my email I waitttttttttttt
Now I m at Goa Madgoan.
I am an engineering student. A great fan of OSHO. I am immensely happy for the new vision of Swami Rajneesh. I really feel now, OSHO has reborn again.
I will come in my summer to Goa, Can I be of any help for the building of Commune?
I am ready to devote anything from my side. I am ready to work as a volunteer.
Plz let me know ?
Mob No. 9945423945.
Gracias. 🙂
Sw. Rajneeshji ko Namaskar. I will be ever grateful to u, for giving an opportunity to feel the energy of Osho, in the midist of green, lush, wonderful place at Goa. Its my dream for the past many years, I should reach my home, like this. After seeing the web site., osho cocom., really thrilled and felt, as if I was blessed to reach my destiny. I beg your pardon sw.Rajneeshji, to let me know, what I can do to reach u and participate in your noblest concept.
sw.Rajneeshji ko koti koti pranam.
hola, this sounds beautiful .i m from kolkata .we keep organizing osho camps on every occasion. recently had an opportunity to call ma dharm jyoti for the same to conduct at malya i hour drive from kolkata.We do supply maroon & white robes to osho sanyasins .if there is any requirement pls let us know.
this a great job of osho done.
Prem puja
We always used to dream for a ONE STOP COMMUNITY CENTRE.When I browse through your web site,it was like reality happening in India and in Goa.We would be glad to own one of the cottage structures and wish to become residents of the osho cocom.
I am sure Swami Rajneesh will help me fulfil my dream.
with love and warm regards to Swamji and Craving blessings.
स्वामी जी को देखकर ओशो रजनीश जी कि यादें ताजा हो जाती है. मै पिछले कुछ समय से ओशो के बहुत सी पुस्तकें पड़ चुका हूँ, उनसे मिलने कि इच्छा तो बहुत थी किंतु उनके इस दुनिया में ही न होने के कारण मेरी यह इच्छा बस इच्छा ही बनी रह गइ. मै उन्हीं कि भाँति किसी बुधातव को प्राप्त व्यक्ति से बहुत समय से धूंद्ने का प्रयास कर रहा था लेकिन जैसा सर्वविदित है बुधतव प्राप्त व्यक्ति मिलना बहुत ही दुर्लभ है. पूना के आश्रम में एक बार जाने कि पहले तो बहुत इच्छा थी लेकिन जब पता लगा कि वहा धन विहीन लोगो के लिए स्थान उपलब्ध नही है, तो एक बार दिल टूट सा गया किंतु जब मैने इनकी mystic ऑफ़ रोज़ पुस्तक पड़ी तो उनके शब्दों में मैं उसी प्रकार से खो गया जैसे ओशो कि kritio में खो जाता था.
अंत: मैं यही पूछना चाहूँगा कि स्वामी जी से किस प्रकार मिला जा सकता है, और गोवा के कोकोम ट्रस्ट में ध्यान कि गहराइयों को अनुभव करने के लिए उन श्रधालुओ के लिए भी कुछ योजनाएँ है जिनके पास ट्रस्ट को देने के लिए धन नही है, अपितु जो स्वयम अपने जीवन के कुछ पल देने को तत्पर है. ध्यान के लिए मैं को अर्पित करने से बड़ा और कौन सा धन हो सकता है.
आपके उत्तर की प्रतीक्षा रहेगी,
अमर सिंह
[email protected]
+91-9897228923, 9548049305
स्वामी जी को सादर प्रणाम, स्वामी जी के विचार पद्कर उनमें ओशो कि झलक देखने को मिलीं, ओशो जी से मिलने कि बड़ी ही कमाना था मन मै, स्वामी जी को देखकर लगा जैसे ओशो साक्षात सामने खड़े है. स्वामी जी कि रचना mystic ऑफ़ द रोज़ पड़ी मन अनाद से अभिभूत हो गया. जब सुना कि आप ओशो commune का स्वतंत्र रूप से निर्माण कार रहे है तब मन में आशा कि एक किरण जगी कि हो न हो वह अवसर आ गया है जब मेरे लिए ध्यान कि गह्राइओ का स्वादसन कर सकूँ. बस प्रभु कि कृपा दृष्टि कि आवश्यकता है, कि वह मुझ जैसे तुछटाम प्राणी को अपनी दया का सहारा दे. सेवा के लिए सदा तत्पर – अमर सिंह मोबाइल न. +91-9897228923, 9548049305
I am follower of osho for over 20 years ,and have been Pne few times.I appreciate the idea to have centre like Pune at Goa and that for too free for people to come there and get spiritual knowledge, Being a Srugeon, i can guide about building a free medical centre for the people around and visiters where common illnessess can be taken care of. Goa has medical school, and many retired or in job specialist can be contacted and persuaded to make a pannel of specialsit,who can visit centre on specific days for their expert opinion . PLease provide me contact details of person who wants to build it,so that we can interact more frequently. I will like to communicate with like minded people here who are interested that osho commune should come up at Goa.
Good luck.Good day.God bless- Arun 092251-15289 [email protected].
im a bhakt looking for help in a tough time.
need some osho vibrations 🙂
this cocoon commune is really just my dream and want to be part of such experience.
Dear ,
please send me on my email your phone number so i can contact you.
i need information about the commune and if i can stay in the gia commune.
mohamed reda
pls tell me procedure and details regarding osho commune at goa. i am very happy to be part of your enegy field.
मेरे प्रिय गुरु को मेरा सादर प्रणाम, जबसे मैं ओशो महाराज के सानिध्य में आया हूँ , तब से लगता है जीवन बदल सा गया है और उसी ध्यान के पथ पर मैं रोज़ आगे बढ़ रहा हूँ। धन्यभागी हूँ के ऐसे गुरु से मुलाक़ात हो गयी जिन्होने मुझे जीना सिखाया , उनके प्रति मेरे हृदय में अपार प्रेम है। जो लोग भी उनके अभियान को आगे बढ़ा रहे हैं उनका मैं तहे दिल से शुक्र गुजार हूँ और किसी भी प्रकार की सहायता की कोई जरूरत होगी तो आपके साथ चलनेवाला साथी समझकर बुलाने में संकोच न करें, जहां तक हो सके अपने प्रिय गुरु के लिए काम करूंगा। अंत में अपने प्रिय गुरु को और स्वामी रजनीश जी को सादर प्रणाम । और आपके नए commune osho cocom के लिए हार्दिक बधाई और प्यार।
सदा आपका
बृजेश शर्मा
Namaste! I am looking for a place to go to where I can experience sprituality, learn and in exchange I am willing to do whatever tasks are required of me. I have also trained to do massages and would gladly perform therapy for the benfit of the commune.
I would hope to come for three to four months next year some time – as it can be arranged.
Would this be in anyway possible?
Thank you, María