Citas Cortas De Osho

Citas De Osho

  1. I want every one of my sannyasins to be utterly unique.
  2. Sannyas es sólo una declaración. El trabajo es meditación.. En una sola palabra, mi religión es completa, y eso es meditacion.
  3. Every man has the potential to become enlightened. If he does not become, he is responsiblenobody else is responsible for it.
  4. Reaction is always unconscious; and response is always conscious.
  5. Hate can very easily turn into love, just as love can turn into hate. They are two sides of the same coin.
  6. My teaching is very simple: meditation is the key, becoming totally aware is the result. Experiencing oneness with the whole is the reward.
  7. My meditation is not something separate from life, es algo que hay que repartir a lo largo de toda la vida. Your whole life has to be colored by it.
  8. Sufis say that a master accepts you not because of your inquiry, he accepts you because of your preparation.
  9. My work consists to bring you out of your cages — hindú, cristiano, Jew, communist, theist, atheist.
  10. Mi percepción de sannyas es ser solo tú mismo.. Si digo cualquier atributo, Estoy imponiendo ese atributo a mis sannyasins.. Mi sannyas es libertad absoluta. Con la libertad, por supuesto, viene una gran responsabilidad., pero eso no es asunto mio.
  11. The real function of the Master is to give you encouragement. Just by his presence, his blissful life, peaceful life, creates a certain milieu in which you can move easily toward dropping your plannings, projects, and allowing existence to happen.
  12. I have experienced so much that to die without conveying it in some way or other will be a shame.