Citas Aleatorias De Osho
- Meditators who don’t love become lopsided. Su ser interior se enriquece, pero su ser exterior se vuelve muy pobre. Amantes que no son también meditadores — su ser exterior se vuelve más rico, but their inner being becomes very poor. I would like you to become richer in both ways love, and meditate.
- Look at the facts. If you want to live in hell, it is for you to decide; nobody else can interfere. Go into hell, but go totally; and that totality, that sincerity, will bring you out of it. La verdad libera.
- The ego is human; egolessness is divine.
The ego is hell; egolessness is paradise. - Only man is not happy, because man lives in ambition and not in reality. Ambition is a trick. It is a trick to distract your mind. Symbolic life has been substituted for real life.
- La iluminación no es un deseo., no es una meta, no es una ambición. Es una caída de todos los objetivos., una caída de todos los deseos, una caída de todas las ambiciones. es simplemente ser natural. Eso es lo que significa fluir..
- Meditation makes you innocent, te hace infantil. en ese estado, los milagros son posibles. Ese estado es pura magia.. Ocurre una gran transformación — en la inocencia trasciendes la mente, and to transcend the mind is to become the awakened one, the enlightened one.
- Ser un buda es el único significado, el unico sentido de la vida. Los que se lo pierden se lo han perdido todo. Aquellos que lo han encontrado han encontrado todo lo que es valioso en esta existencia..
- You cannot practice your enlightenment. You may not have thought about it…. Enlightenment simply is. You cannot practice it. It overflows you, it expresses in every gesture. It is all around you, but you don’t have to practice it. It is your very nature. Do you practice anything that is your very nature?
- Buddha is nobody. Buddha is a pure nothingness, an open space, infinite and eternal.
- Buda dice: Don’t be ambitious, because through ambition you will remain inferior always. Be nonambitious and attain to your intrinsic superiority. It is intrinsic. It doesn’t have to be proved, or achieved, you already have it, you have got it. ya esta ahi — it has always been with you and it will always remain with you. Your very being is sup-erior but you don’t know what being is there. no sabes quien eres. Hence so much effort in seeking your identity, in searching, in proving that you are superior to others. no sabes quien eres.
- A rich man is a loser, a successful man is a failure. But because you look with the eyes of ambition you look at the possessions. You never look at the politician, you look at the post, the prime ministership. You look at the power. You never look at the person who is sitting there absolutely powerless, missing everything, not even having a glimpse of what bliss is. He has purchased power, but in purchasing it he has lost himself. And it is all a bargain.
- Mirando, mirando, mirando… un día de repente ya no está. Solo queda el observador. Ese momento de pura observación es el momento de la transformación..
- Meditation is your egolessness. Just a little taste of it and you will be drawn into the very center of your being. And you will find the paradise that people have been thinking is somewhere in the clouds, far away in the stars. Paradise is within you, in your state of no-mind. And hell is also within you, in your very mind. La decisión es tuya. You can move from the mind to no-mind; the bridge is witnessing.
- All achievement is the projection of the ego.
The very idea of achievement is ambition. - You are involved in stupid things, and by the side life goes on slipping out of your hands. You will realize it only at the time of death, with a shock: “I have been trying to achieve the goal of life and I forgot life itself.” The goal is always in the future, and life is always here. The goal is always far away, and life is in this very moment. Trying to achieve it, te lo perderás. You don’t need to try to achieve life: you are alive. Only dead people can have goals. Living people live.
Meditation is your egolessness. Just a little taste of it and you will be drawn into the very center of your being. And you will find the paradise that people have been thinking is somewhere in the clouds, far away in the stars. Paradise is within you, in your state of no-mind. And hell is also within you, in your very mind. La decisión es tuya. You can move from the mind to no-mind; the bridge is witnessing.