Citas y refranes de Osho
- RECUERDA permanecer alerta para no apegarte demasiado a lo accidental. — y todo es accidental excepto tu conciencia. Excepto tu conciencia, todo es accidental. Dolor y placer, success and failure, fama y difamación — todo es accidental. Solo tu conciencia de testigo es esencial.. Stick to it! Enraízate cada vez más en él. Y no extiendas tu apego a las cosas mundanas.
- No estoy aquí para enseñarte ningún dogma.; No te estoy impartiendo ningún conocimiento.. Simplemente te estoy ayudando a ver lo que es. Vive tu vida cueste lo que cueste. Prepárate para jugar con él.
- Trust and belief have a very similar appearance, but they are diametrically opposite realities. Belief is a false coin. It pretends to be real; it tries to play the role of trust. Millions of people are caught in the net of belief, because it is cheap. Trust is costly, very costly. Trust is costly because it is risky, es peligroso. It means you are opening yourself, becoming vulnerable to somebody who can do you harm. You are dropping all your defense measures. You will be defenseless — you can be exploited, cheated, destroyed.
- Only with meditation does love start taking on new colors, new music, new songs, new dances — because meditation gives you the insight to understand the polar opposite, and in that very understanding the conflict disappears. All the conflict in the world is because of misunderstanding.
- The people who go on running after ambitions are no more intelligent than football players. Their games may have different names, but their reality is the same. And they suffer continuously. Even in their success they suffer, because then they become afraid of whether they are also going to keep this successful position tomorrow. First they were suffering because they were not successful; now they are suffering because people are dragging on their legs, and everybody wants to be in their place.
- To be on a powerful throne is to be in a most hilarious position. Everybody is pulling you down and you have to remain glued to the throne, whatever happens. Somebody is pulling your hands, somebody is taking your head, somebody is taking your legs away …whatever happens, dead or alive, you are determined to remain on the throne.
- People ask me what is right and what is wrong, and my answer is: If something arises out of awareness, it is right. If something arises out of unawareness, it is wrong. Right and wrong is not a question of what you do, but of how you do it. It is not a question of what, but of how — meditatively or nonmeditatively, alerta, despierto, or doing things as if you are a sleepwalker.
- Everything is an opportunity. Taken rightly, every moment is a stepping-stone. Failure as much helps you to become alert as success; sometimes in fact failure helps you to become more aware than success. Success helps you to fall asleep. In happiness people forget; in happiness nobody remembers God. In unhappiness suddenly the remembrance comes.
- Fortunate is the man who can remember even when he is happy; fortunate is the man who can remember when everything is going good and smooth. When the sea is rough, everybody remembers God; there is nothing special in it, it is just out of fear.
- En este mundo ambicioso, la amistad no puede florecer, el amor es casi imposible, la compasión no puede existir. Hemos creado un lío tan feo, y la raiz es que pensamos que hay algo que lograr.
- What is enlightenment? It is to attain to your mirror-like quality again. It is a recovery. It is not something that you invent, ya es el caso — deep down you are en-lightened. Dust has just gathered on the surface, you need a good cleansing.
- If you are doing things which others want you to do and you never do the thing that you always wanted to do, you are a slave. You go on loving a person you don’t love, you go on sleeping with a person you don’t love, you go on living in a relationship which is simply destructive, horrible, a hell, but you go on. eres un esclavo, you are not a free man.
- A free man is one who claims back his intelligence, who claims back his sensitivity. A mi, that is what sannyas is: to claim back your intelligence, to claim back your sensitivity, to become again sensuous, vivo, to become again intelligent, to become again a child.
- A person becomes intelligent when he starts living moment to moment totally — as if this is the last moment. Then there is a great passion, a great intensity. One becomes aflame with life. In that aflame state of consciousness one is intelligent. otherwise one is dull, dragging. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, one is going to live — so what is the need of being intelligent today? Today you can afford to become stupid: La totalidad trae plenitud y la totalidad trae salud y la totalidad trae cordura, when you will try to live, you can become intelligent .
- Never escape from relationship. That’s why I have introduced sannyas with relationship, not without it. There is great meaning in it. Never on the earth has sannyas existed with relationship, that’s why I say that sannyas has not really existed. o, the sannyas that has previously existed was anaemic, bloodless. People thought they were beautiful without the mirror they thought they were beautiful. It is very easy to befool yourself when the mirror is not there.
- Love is the mirror. Let your meditation be mirrored in love. If you find that something is missing, meditate more — but never escape from love; let it be mirrored in love again and again, because that will be the only criterion of whether you are growing or not. If you are really growing in love soon you will see that love has remained and jealousy has disappeared; love has remained and possessiveness has disappeared: love has remained and hatred has disappeared. A great purity arises. a great innocence. A fragrance is released into your soul. Go on meditating and go on loving. Let love and meditation be two wings. Let them help each other.
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